Ever since getting to uvhm I’ve been struggling to stay alive as gaige. I’ve looked through pretty much all the topics I could trying to find some sort of direction and I’m still not sure what exactly I’m doing wrong.
I’m specced into an anarchy build but I can never stay alive long enough to get over 50 stacks. I farmed for 2 hours to get a decent on level bee to use with my outdated fibber, which does decent damage, but the second I get hit I’m dead as I can’t kill anything without the amp damage. I used my last 8 golden keys just to get some on level elemental smgs and shotguns but they do next to no damage, so even when running my pangolin shield with ~150k shields I can’t proc BSS because nothing dies.
I’m honestly just looking for some decent gear farming recommendations. Currently at wildlife and hit a wall.