XBOX and PC cross play ever happening?

I bought PC and XBOX versions of the game on the promise that development was seriously looking at crossplay. Turned out they were only talking about crossplay with PC to PC!? wth?

I play on PC and my whole family and friends play on XBOX both are Microsoft platforms. I don’t care if you ever include Sony in the XPlay but I haven’t played the game I bought 3 copies of since my first run through because I want to play co-op with my friends and family and I still can’t.

I think you can agree that your game is best played with friends? Why is it that after this long I still can’t do that?


I can understand if a game has any competitive PvP aspects that PC has a significant gameplay advantage. But in a PvE/co-op game there isn’t any excuse for a game lacking full cosplay IMO. Microsoft and Sony need to get on board.


Yes, the only good reason to not support it is competitive PvP and there’s none of that in this game.

So sadly, I wasted my money on a season pass hoping that when the expansions came out I’d be able to play with my family. The only good news is I didn’t waste that money on their copies and now I won’t be spending money on their 3 copies to get access to content I won’t play without them.

Lost revenue due to lazy attitude when it comes to crossplay. My bet goes to Billionaire executives that just want their pockets lined even more before co-operating. BUT XBox IS Microsoft so there’s not even that excuse here… If other big players want to be left out, let them be left out, when the next round of consoles rolls out people might be swayed by the larger pool of players they can play with if they go with XBOX / Microsoft PC. Let Sony play with themselves for all I care, Microsoft crossplay with other Microsoft platforms should never be an issue.

Not a penny of revenue from this family of fans until I can actually play with my family.


That’s not cross play, that’s multiplayer; which was already a thing since Day 1.


They meant from Epic to Steam I believe.


Even then, that’s not the definition of what crossplay means. Expanding across game launchers is just gain more players through one device. Really, this game would do fine in crossplay; they just have to stabilize connections between PC and consoles. And, it would be highly beneficial for multiplayer in general as it’s difficult to find full teams for takedowns or even circle of slaughter.


They meant from Epic to Steam I believe.

That’s what I meant when I said PC to PC… And that’s just not crossplay!

Today I found myself shaking my head even more… No Mans Sky has implemented crossplay with PS, XBOX and PC… And they have, what?.. 3 developers?

*sighs, drops head, turns around and walks away from BL3 again…


I have to say this has been a disappointment for me as well… I really felt sold on this cross platform and Epic/steam is not what was laid out.

I have several friends playing on XBox and it’s just a drag that we all can’t play together.

Soo, I feel the same way…


I’m having this same issue. My wife plays exclusively on PS4 and is heavily invested in that platform. I play on PC. Unless we buy another PS4 or PC, we can’t play together. Cross platform play was one of the reasons we were so excited for BL3. It’s a pretty huge letdown to see there’s no news of that happening. You can’t even mail items from PC to other platforms, which is sad.

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Both Sony and Microsoft have allowed for crossplay in all of their games. It’s just up to GBX to turn it on. They’re already using Shift accounts to play between Epic and Steam, so that part wouldn’t be a hurdle. I think they’re just focused on other things currently.

I know they have a lot on their plate but…

This was something I remember from early adverts. It’s sort of like getting a three course meal but forgetting the appetizers. We got the meat and potatoes but … man, I sure wanted that pre-meal snack to bring everything together and make the overall experience better.


agreed, i want crossplay, to me it was a big deal


Wtf Gearbox? This is what we expected when Randy talked about it.

We want Cross play and we want it now!


Everyday that passes I start to feel more and more sad when there is hardly any news on it.

At this point you might as well buy the console you don’t have to play with someone and re-buy the game again than to wait painfully of unknown date or time for it to come out, It is sure a lot faster that way than to wait indefinitely, I even waited a year for cross between PC and Console to play with my Boyfriend and it still is not possible yet.

I don’t know who did the Crossplay with Phantasy Star Online 2 Microsoft or Sega. But I assumed Sega was the one and they did it faster than Gearbox.

Me and my Boyfriend have to find such small selection of Crossplay Games sense his PC died and has no way to get a new one, I don’t have any of the recent Xbox Consoles due to money reasons and my last Xbox was the OG 360 launch and that was it.


Please gearbox! Crossplay!


No cross play in 2020 ? Strange.

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+1 for crossplay

Waiting for too long by now. I would be happy to hear if it will happens or not but nothing on that topic is meh :confused: Just can’t believe the meant crossplay between two installers and that’s it.


Don’t be disheartened.
Don’t lose patience.

Don’t ignore the fact that they GBX are working tirelessly to bring to us the game they promised. Their collection of professional, dedicated, knowledgeable and competent developers hear us loud and clear.

Give them time©
Patches are hard®
Time is money©

(we) don’t know how hard it is to be a developer.
(we) should make our own games if (we) think it’s so easy.
(we) should uninstall and move on if (we) don’t like the game.
(we) should forgo the (£60) pittance we paid and move on to something (we) do like.

These are the cream of the crop of developers.
Their constant listening to what (we) actually want is Legendary.
Their nerfs / buffs / new ‘event’s’ followed by a level increase is (according to them) WHAT WE WANT.

(we) Don’t want additional characters (most people only ever used one in the previous games)
(we) Don’t want Raid Bosses (anymore, according to, yep you guessed it, GBX)
(we) Don’t want to ‘Slog’ through TVHM, and God forbid a UVHM implementation.
(we) Are happy with the weak DLC’s / Short DLC’s / No Raid Bosses in DLC’s

(we) are fine with the ‘Live Service’ status of this product.

I, for one, feel absolutely blessed to be in possession of a product that the creator can change (8 MONTHS LATER), rendering my game unplayable.
As I am sure are the many, MANY people who wanted only to play co-op / cross-play. All the nice things this ‘game’ was advertised to have.

1 Year later. This game is a glowing representation of the heroic achievement the creative dev’s @GBX have been kind enough to offer us.

I for one look forward to Pre-Purchases the Ultra-Super-Doopa-Deluxe editions of Stillborn / Battlebore 2 / BetaLands 4 and whatever evolutionary project they have for us next.

This post has been brought to you by the letter /s


I really want to play my friend who bought the game on Xbox and I’m on the PC.
It saddens me that they call it crossplay when it’s clearly not in a standard known definition.
Feels more like a one of those PR tricks in an attempt to get more sales. Who knows, maybe they’ll add it later on but time has passed for quite a while now and I’m growing impatient and so is everyone else.

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Interestingly enough, this is what it says in the game:

Note the text at the bottom where it says “Find SHiFT friends across all linked platforms.”.
I linked xbox live and I could find my friend through shift that was on the xbox. Added her but she can’t invite or see invites from other shift members, so console users don’t have that feature enabled at all. I’m sure if it would, we could play without problems.

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