I don’t understand what the point of TVHM (BESIDES ANOTHER EXACT SAME PLAYTHROUGH OF MISSIONS) is. Are the anointments better on TVHM? Are the weapons better on TVHM M10 rather VHM M10?
I’ve been playing on regular mode with M8-10. I would try TVHM or even the more difficult mode to select in Guardians Takedown if I knew it meant it was more rewarding. But everything I’ve seen so far on YouTube has been pointless. Any tips? Help?
In normal mode you wont get anointed gear until you finish the story and enter mayhem mode.
TVHM offers you the ability to get all of the quest rewards again at higher and max level and also spawns more enemies and badasses so more opporunity for more drops and XP for Guardian Ranks.
The resistances and bonuses towards the 3 different types of bars(Armor, Shields, Flesh) actually change a little bit. Radiation as example does a little more to Shields and a little less to armor in tvhm vs normal.
Yeah I forget sometimes both Mayhem and TVHM have the same modifiers. Just was pointing out the known differences not even realizing the original poster said he was playing in Mayhem.