Really having a super difficult time with TVHM. I don’t understand why this is so hard. I have leveled 2 characters in BL3 and have played at max mayhem difficulty with much fewer problems than this and I’m not even close to max difficulty.
Wilhelm was my initial problem and that was solved with finding a specific weapon that was closer to my level before I could defeat it. However, now that I’m past that I’m having similar issues with Glutonous Thresher and even just regular mobbing.
I just die instantly to everything. I don’t do enough damage. I die over and over and over to the point that I have no money left to even buy gear upgrades when I see them on vending machines. I’m scrounging for ammo.
Every “boss” type enemy is 2+ levels above me which seems like an odd game design considering I’m still leveling with subpar gear that may not be properly matched to health bars or on level all the time. The added levels of these enemies just means I can’t damage them effectively. My last two skill points I dumped into sweet release to try and add survivability but that did almost nothing.
I’m actually at the verge of just putting this down because this is not fun. Just wondering if I’m missing some TVHM or Maya strategy that is making this harder than it’s supposed to be. For Wilhelm just having a specific gun (teapot) made all the difference but it’s not that feasible to die repeatedly…then have to search for some very specific gun to make progress only to immediately start dying repeatedly again and have to repeat that process. That seems like a very terrible and not fun game loop. Or maybe I just suck.
These are my skills at 40: