Kaoson nerf excessive?

Prior to the Guardian Takedown release, and M10 adjustments, I used the Kaoson almost exclusively on Moze. I totally understand the damage nerf to the gun, but doesn’t the accuracy nerf feel excessive? It feels worthless for Mind Sweeper now due to the difficulty to hit crits. Even at its peak, with 300 above 90 anoint working pre-nerf, it only put Moze barely on par with other VHs.

I just wanted to see if I was alone in thinking this. Maybe everyone else has found better ways to use it, and I’m curious to find out. But I’m guessing the Kaoson is currently just another mostly killed off weapon.


Accuracy is still great while ADS. Damage nerf was needed for the lowered health, but I don’t like the penalty on critical hit.

the accuracy actually feels a little uncomfortable now
i would rather take more damage nerfs than this

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Even then it feels very sloppy. Like when they screwed up the Butcher, like a decimal point was in the wrong place lol

The accuracy did not need to be touched.
My FL4K can compensate for that part, but not my other VHs…


I won’t use it anymore now. I don’t know why you nerf any guns when 90% of the guns in your game need damage buffs. Even the ones that have been buffed need bigger buffs.


It’s the way they have implemented it, they could have given the gun a recoil direction and scale so you then have the ability to counter the drift.

What they seem to have done is describe a circle within which the crosshair will move randomly making correction hit and miss at best, horrible.

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Sadly, the newly buffed Bitch has taken my Kaoson’s place in regards to SMGs.

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I can’t even use that in the same way because it lacks the splash damage the Kaoson has.

Exactly. I can deal with recoil, or something like the Sickle or the Infinity because they’re predictable. The Kaoson acts like it’s vibrating in your hands and you can’t control it.

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I do feel that the accuracy and crit nerf were unnecessary. At least the damage nerf made sense

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Yes agree. Would have accepted a larger damage nerf even as a compromise, especially since M10 enemies were also nerfed 20%. Happy to take an accuracy nerf too, just not one this big. Mine still held up ok in the slaughtershaft on M10 just now but you gotta get real close to enemies now as you can’t control the aim.

Making a legendary Dahl SMG more anti-Dahl in form and function as an excuse to nerf it is a decision lacking in intelligence. All it needed was a reduction in damage and/or perhaps increase the delay in the stickies detonating by a few seconds. Although the latter would arguably make it stronger with crit-swapping so perhaps just a further reduction on base damage then.


Agreed. The feeling of that weapon is now weird at best. The damage nerf made sense, but the way the weapons sways now is just NOT Dahl. A fire rate reduction would have been better.

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Damage nerf was accurate. Instead of crit nerf they should nerf the sticky damage.

Agreed, I really don’t like the accuracy nerf.

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Amara has a couple skills that boost accuracy quite a bit.

I don’t mind the accuracy nerf. ADS is still fine on my MS build.

I think the crit nerf was the excessive one, but either way, I would like one of the three nerfs dropped, either accuracy or crit.

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Yup, I have Kaoson with crit parts (+21% before nerf, -15% after) and now on critical hit, it’s half the damage vs pre-nerf.

Tbh I dont think the damage nerf was needed. Or more like it went a little too far. Especially since moze was kinda the only one to really use it.

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