True Guardian Take Down 15m57s

Breath taking moments 2:05 11:55 23:55


You little ■■■■ :laughing:

Seriously though, that’s pretty great.

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Impresive run.

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So M10 and no new loot drops, plus i bet in next patch that gun gets nerfed like every other gun has been so far.

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Thanks :smiley:

Thanks. :slight_smile:

I’m sorry there were no new loot… :sweat_smile:
It would be strange if it were as you say. I’ve used this pistol with FL4K and Moze and I haven’t seen anyone else on YouTube using it like this in Mayhe 2.0. (There was no one else with Moze but me since the gun appeared.)

Why do people hesitate to use this great gun? I think you’ll find out why if you give it a try. I don’t enjoy this gun because just only it’s powerful, but I enjoy the tension it gives me.

The need of nerf arises when many people rely on its strength (yellow cake), and buffs are needed when it is shunned by everyone. If this is right, This gun need to be buffed.

(But this gun once had nerfed with Moze. What I don’t understand is why it happened when there was no one but me using. Should I have thanked the gearbox for patching me only?)


People were using it once Jackpot dlc was added, then they moved to new stuff. I was using Lucky 7 exclusivly on my Crit FL4K, but it’s not my favorite character :slight_smile:
And it’s only really good when you have ammo regen and great roll. Other performance need a buff.


Because at the time Forge would stop regenerating when you picked up ammo.

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New info received. Thanks.

It was mystery to me for some days at the time.

Wow, nice run. I just got to the final boss on a solo M10 run (after many deaths due to falling off things and not mantling), and game crashed due to screen clutter half-way to killing him. Nice to see it done, though.

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Thanks. And good job. I’ve experienced a lot of falls, too.


The build is at the end of run. It is true that True Take Down is harder than single. I could make it easier with jump shots. And There were disconnection of controller 5 times(I tried but found out can not edit video. Sorry about that) XD. Xbox one pad has problem with the cable as if it’s the nature of itself.

Long live Lucky 7. Congrats.

Since you jump so much while shooting, I’d like to see how well the airborne 50% damage and 60% crit anoints would do for you.

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It’s bad. :slight_smile: 50/150 is over 2 times better.

Airborne 50 damage is that bad? I thought it might have potential since it’s a completely separate modifier to all other damage increases.

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It is case of 60% crit. There can be about triple DPS loss than the build I made in the video according to build you make differently.
But in case of 50% damage anoint… It’s more than double worse than crit anoint with Lucky 7. :smiley:


They fixed IB and the lucky 7 so I’m gonna have to make a build now. I was hoping Bounty of blood was gonna bring a new splash Jakobs pistol but all we got was the quick draw and it can’t be anointed.

What about he peashooter? (still, can’t be anointed)

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Thanks for the information.
And when you’re enjoying a place other than Arena or TD, do it without any preparation. If you want a JAKOBS Splash pistol, you’ll feel very powerful with only 7 + explosive.

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I like it but yea same problem. It can’t be anointed. I was just hopeful for a legendary