300/90 has been nerfed, was DE4DEYE Com involved as well?

300/90 anoint
Full Life Bar
Life Bar (Shield Armor Flesh) is a generic term for the life of the enemy, including all of them.

Before nerf
▣▣ ▣▣ ▣▣ ▣▣ ▣▢

After nerf

Isn’t this what happens with DE4DEYE, which has the exact same process?
Before nerf
▣▣ ▣▣ ▣▣ ▣▢ ▢▢

After nerf

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I can’t think of a scenario where the 300/90 anoint would make any sense now. Maybe we need more community testing to find some loop holes or anything. But basically, it’s been nerfed and just marginally better that no anointment - at least if I understand it right.

The Deadeye COM has the same feature, albeit with much lower numbers. 35%/75%. Maybe they left it alone …?! I dunno. Maybe this has also been nerfed. Kinda expecting it thb.

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I was expecting to see either the damage bonus decreased, or to see it work for >90% of each bar. Not this…


I think Gearbox somehow still has this idea of sniper rifles actually dealing a lot of individual damage with every single hit, but the issue is, that just doesn’t work with endgame scaling.


This is starting to get to me heavily. Since I don’t have much time to play I was rather laid back and had solid hopes for the patch. But I gotta be honest, the patch notes felt disappointing.
Not that I care personally too much about the Takedown - like I said : I don’t have enough time to work through that - but for other players I’m feeling the letdown this takedown (ha, the irony) is currently. I guess, they will balance it out in the next hotfixes. But the player base is sick of post-release hotfixes and skeptical for a good reason as well.

But the fact that they kept the Cartel anointments and nerfed one of the strongest of them, kinda feels bad. like a slap in the face.

And the worst part, the absolutely worst part is: I really want to feel good about the game. Man, I have been waiting for so, so long for it to come out. I don’t want to branch out and look for other games. I.want.my.Borderlands.back.


I’ll test the Deadeye soon. From my Athenas runs yesterday I didn’t notice any drop off, and trust me, with a pet build you’d notice any drop off in damage.


Let’s just call it the Guardian Letdown lol

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Yep. I’m really tired of the fact that every time they release a patch, hotfix, or DLC, GBX figures out a completely new and different way to break the game. And then we as players either have to figure out a workaround, or just wait for the next patch or hotfix.

I am the hardest of the hardcore on this franchise. But this is kind of starting to push the limits, even for me.


Same here. I’m feeling you. I used to be rather relaxed about all this. But the more I think of it, the more I read those patch notes, I become angry. I feel like an idiot because I was laid back and trustful. I mean, just fix what’s broken. Stop it with the new stuff, work on the basics.
Data must be showing Gbx what is happening with the players. Forums tell them the rest.

@boombumr created several threads in order to help them with pets or Fl4k in general. They should acknowledge that and quite frankly - be friggin happy about players like him (or us) that put up with what the game presented itself to be.

/double rant

@derwitte I’d say “angry“ is overstating it quite a bit as far as how I feel, but I understand why you might feel that way and why many players do.

Let’s just be honest - I have played BL3 at this point for - checks play time on my 3 characters (oh god!) - 864 hours as of today. I’d say I’ve gotten my money’s worth out of BL3. Angry is something I would reserve for a game for which I paid $100 and the game was terrible. BL3 is FAR from terrible. I like it quite a lot.

I think at this point, frustrated would be the better word. Even if the game is screwed up, if all you can do as a dev is fix one problem and create another, just LEAVE IT ALONE! Otherwise, you’re just replacing one problem or bug wIth another.


I get what you’re trying to say. Thanks for that perspective!
I guess why I say “angry” is because I feel idiotic for hoping the would buff entire weapon classes and make me able to play with my Hellwalkers again (By the way: Thank you for sending even more stuff! That’s great!).

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You’re welcome, I always try to share cool stuff I don’t need!

At this point, I am of a good mind to just put the game down until all DLC has been released and GBX no longer is patching the game. Because while figuring out all the “new” mechanics in the game is fun, figuring them out only to have them changed 2 weeks later is distinctly NOT fun. I doubt I will, in fact, have the self-control to put the game down, but my better judgment tells me that is the right play.


Deadeye is safe. Just tested it using a spiderant centurion against a Maliwan heavy. She did 35% extra damage through the entire shield bar and 25% of the normal one.

Why GB didn’t just nerf the amount on the anoint and neutered it’s effectiveness so it works differently and worse that every other bonus like it…I have no idea.


This anoint was straight up mechanically changed and effectively heavily nerfed. What does this mean? Back to ASE Spam which is an absolute annoyance to use in some builds. While 300% was damn powerful, it also had a big selling point in the fact it required nothing besides the HP value management to work, which twisted ASE meta a good bit. I used ASE anointments still for a lot of fights and situations where 300%'s weaknesses were shown, but now that actual variety in choice is gone…

Then Splash ASE gets boosted to 200%, which is not that short of being essentially better than the old 300% anoint on a ton of weapons, especially since it will be on and act as a pure multiplier for all bars. ???


GB has a bad habit of (inadvertently or not) nerfing off-meta play styles or anything that threatens to usurp the meta. In the 10 months this game has been out the closest thing to a disruption in the meta has been URad, and that was released at the same time 300v2.

For all the changes they make to the game, too many fail to actually bring about substantive change. And then most of those are reverted or invalidated by new content.


I was extremely fearful for URad: i expected either a nerf or some unreasonable immunities on the new Takedown. Thankfully, it went unchanged and can remain as some of the most fun i’ve had in the game.


Yes, because god forbid they don’t obliterate fun…


It’s funny - I went into the new DLC completely blind yesterday evening and could not figure for the life of me why my 300/90 OPQ - which previously was totally wrecking face on all enemies - was just barely tickling enemies in my first Guardian Takedown attempt. You guys know I’m not a big math guy, so I figured there must be some reason. Today that answer has become clear to me.

The 300/90 anoint was really, really powerful, but it also helped to unbind Fl4k from the ASE mechanic. Of course, you could still run that if you wanted to, but if you didn’t want to, or when your ASE anoints were down, you still had a really powerful DPS anoint to use. Now, not so much.

It would be nice if they would just leave things alone for a little while in order to give us a chance to wrap our heads around what still is a pretty new game (in the life of a BL game, anyway). But it looks like they are wanting to go more of the “live service” route, not in the sense of MTX but in the sense of the game being in a constant state of flux.

I am just kind of bummed out by the whole thing right now. Sorry for the negativity.


I’m relieved that DE4DEYE seems to have been forgiven.
Thanks for the validation.

I used to use the 300/90 a lot with fade flak myself.
Mainly SR, heavy, and OPQ for special reasons.
My influences in the above weapons I was using were Heavy and OPQ.
So I’d like to think of an alternative to that, a consecration.
The OPQ fires quickly and works well with ASE, so I think the enhanced ASEE100 is a good candidate.
I can say that even in Heavy, per Nukem, it’s a good match.
I mainly use bearer and BackBurner
I guess a better choice would still be around ASA 200, where you can use the fade and ride the effect immediately.
What I’m wondering about is what happens if you fire a third shot with a Bearer or some other type of weapon that survives and affects its surroundings for a period of time, and the fade goes out.
A The effects of the ASA disappear immediately.
B The effects of ASA remain on board.