Finished game in normal, can I skip having to do a whole play through

Just finished the play through on normal mode and now I want to change to true vault hunter mode. Is there a way to get around starting from square one and doing the play through again? My character is lvl 57 and I want to do maliwan but really want to avoid spending the next 6 hours going through the entire game again.

TVHM is another play thru. You can do Takedown on Normal or TVHM as far as I know. I’m doing it right now on normal at M10.

There’s no reason to do TVHM if you don’t want to go through the story again. Playing on normal mayhem mode is the same as TVHM.

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So the gear from doing maliwan takedown MH10 true vault hunter mode isn’t better than MH10 normal mode?

Shouldn’t be, no. In both cases it will be level 57 + whatever the scaling for ML10 is. TVHM may add slightly more badass enemies and make all spawns a bit tougher, but that won’t affect the stats of any gear drops.

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Correct. The mayhem level is the only thing that matters.

I’ve never played TVH but it sounds pretty pointless at the moment. Why does it exist when we have mayhem?

And it seems to be scaling. Just did a run on M10 and whoohoo… Two Redistributers, a Kybs and a Moonfire. My basic 57 Redistributers were 750ish damage. I got one that is 1700dmg in shock so things are looking up.


So you can replay the story at max level without Mayhem (should that be your preference) and get mission rewards at max level. Also probably because all the other games had at least two play-throughs, and if this one hadn’t had that at launch there would likely been loud complaints.


that is not always the case, pre mayhem 2.0 (or m4), the two biggest difference of normal vs tvhm is

  1. more anointed drop rates in tvhm
  2. elemental matching differs in normal and true, (eg. for shields shock deals 100% in normal but 150% in tvhm)

mayhem 2.0 change all that that there is no more difference afaik in normal and tvhm other than a new playthrough and max out quest rewards.

I’m confused. Putting aside gear (drop rates of legendaries, scaling of legendaries etc.) for a moment, is TVHM-mayhem really the same as normal-mayhem?

Back when I was still doing both (ie. leveling my characters), the really big difference between Normal and TVHM mode was that TVHM was just way more fun, because it was way harder with more action in general - there were more enemies, more badasses, and they seemed to do more damage.

This was very much not a trivial difference. I would typically die more times in the first hour of TVHM than I would in the entire playthrough of Normal.

I have to assume that it’s still the same. Or has Mayhem 2.0 somehow changed it so that the enemy types are now determined by Mayhem level only?

Just bite the bullet and run through TVHM. The short story is outlined already TVHM adds more badasses but doesnt change drops. That said, more Badasses = more XP and more XP = Guardian Ranks and the boosts associated with the perks coming quicker.

There are a lot of people complaining that they dont do enough damage on M10 but with the boosts of 13% Crit, 13% Gun, 13% rate of fire, and 13% elemental damage it adds up and makes life easier for me… Easier life = easier farming and the end result is more drops over time

when youre in rome , do as romens do lol . tvhm is like fundamental for borderlands game , it just bl3 try to adapt more people therefore they make it less important

It is my understanding that there is the difficult level of normal vault hunter mode, then there is the difficulty level of true vault hunter mode, and then there are the mayhem modes. The mayhem modes are difficulty levels independent of nvhm and tvhm. Once you turn on mayhem you’re not in nvhm or tvhm you’re in mayhem mode.

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Tvhm Mayhem and Nvhm Mayhem were never different. Any difference was placebo.

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I thought that in nvhm enemies had locked levels, so you could out level am enemy and in tvhm they scaled to you.

Correct. But Mayhem locked enemies to scale.

Activating Mayhem basically ticked all the same boxes that TVHM did, but then added the Mayhem. So elemental resistances were moved to the True values. Enemy spawn possibilities were moved to True value (anointed spawning everywhere). And of course, enemy scaling to your level.


Please, can we stop doing this mistake all the time? When using Mayhem in Normal we have the same Elemental multipliers as in TVHM. It was like this in Mayhem 1.0 and is like this in Mayhem 2.0
All other differences are placebo, as posted above by @sammantixbb You may only see difference if you start TVHM right after finishing Story in Normal. In end-game doesn’t matter what mode you are playing.
The only reason TVHM is in the game is for reseting the Story.


Dataminers or researchers as they called it pointed out differences

This is the updated

Shadowevil’s video is naive in what it states. His discussion relates purely to no mayhem nvhm vs tvhm, if he talks about Mayhem being on then he missed something when datamining. Mayhem modes have always used the same elemental modifiers, I’ve also personally checked health scaling (I can provide math if you want). Enemy spawns are the only thing I can’t be certain on as there is an element of randomness that I wasn’t willing to test against.

If you want to see a previous iteration of this discussion you can see here

Where the same discussion was had (in regards to M1.0) and the person saying NVHM mayhem is different went and tested it. You’ll see as you scroll down that they reached the same conclusion Sammantix stated above.