I don’t do a lot of build guides, but I did want to share my current build for Moze. Please note that IB is pretty much useless at the moment, but Moze still handles herself in his absence.
To start, here’s my skill tree:
Game play video:
Let’s talk gear!
COM - Mindsweeper: with as much points into TCP as possible. I try to stay out of FitSD to avoid instantly going into FFYL. You could use a Bloodletter here, too, but I find the Mindsweeper to offer the most benefits to my overall damage.
Artifact - Snowdrift Deathless: any stats that benefit Moze and this build such as Cryo boosts, area damage boosts, magazine boosts… If you can get all three, that’s a god roll right there!
Shield - Old God: try to find a Cryo one since this shield boosts the elemental damage it offers resistance to. There are many options here, but this is what I roll with.
Grenades - All we are looking for here is the +25% damage on grenade thrown for 6 seconds. So throw in whatever you like as long as that anoint is there.
Weapons - You can use a variety of gear here. But a Cryo x2 Kaoson is pretty much unbeatable, especially if you get it with the 150/50 rad anointment. I also use a Clairvoyance Masher and the Unseen Threat, both with the unhealthy rad anointment.
Anointments - Just get all your weapons with the 150/50 rad anointment. No others are needed. The 300/90 is nice, too, but for maximum dps over a longer period of time, the unhealthy rad is the best.
Guardian Rank - enabled to take advantage of Harmegeddon, To Angry To Die, and Hollow Point
Modifiers - Here’s a screenshot of the ones I use:
The most important one is the Holy Crit modifier. The additional 25% for crits makes for even larger damage numbers. The only issue is, you have to learn where all crit spots are on every enemy you face.
As far as play style goes, you want to maintain some distance since you are still vulnerable to DoT and melee in M10. But I’ve used this build to solo TTD with the Cartel event enabled. Moze has the highest damage output pre-action skill in the game, in my opinion. Her mob killing relies on splash damage, but when done right, rivals Amara’s TTB killing. You also get 2 capstones, which is nice. Additionally, because she outputs so much dps, ffyl is trivial unless you get caught in it without any enemies left to get you out. That’s why I suggest keeping good distance between you and your enemy(ies).