Since the game came out up until maybe 10 days ago, not a single day went by without me playing at least 2-3 hours of BL3. I think the height of BL3 was the two weeks prior to the release of M2.0. As a Moze player, I was i a delirious high with how awesome they made IB and buffed Moze’s sustainabilty.
I rememember distinctly 2 days before M2.0 came out, when the details were announced. I remember the night before I fired up BL3 and played from like 10PM until 3AM straight… with a feeling of almost saying goodbye to a friend you’ve had for months now. I just had a terrible gut feeling that M2.0 was going to be a MESS.
When M2.0 first came out, my worst fears were realized. Annoying, cluttered, noisy , intrusive modifiers, a crap ton of glitches and bugs that should have been noticed within 5 minutes of testing, completely undone any and ALL weapon, gear, skill, and character balances done in the last 6+ months, almost like they never happened, and the game felt like CHORE to play now. Just exhausting. All the different vomit of colors and effects of the forced modifiers honestly made me nauesous like no other game made me feel ever. My wife , who were were doing the final DLC together in CO-OP, finally stopped playing because she hated the convoluted mess the game has become.
After a few days of sticking it out, I finally gave up. I realized I was genuinely not having fun. Even the most tame of the modifiers annoyed me and added nothing of value to the game. My game suddenly started crashing to desktop 2-3 times a play session and prior to that NOT ONCE did it do that. One of the modifiers slowed the frame rate to a crawl (I think it was Lootsplosion). Vast majority of Gear that wasn’t M6 locked was uselss and the thrill of seeing a legendary drop was completely gone.
Haven’t touched the game in… 10 days? More? Lost track. I fired up Diablo 3 again after years off and was greeted with a finely polished, smooth, fun, PROFESSIONAL game. Checked the last few patch notes and was amazed how communicative, detailed, and personable the Patch and PBR notes were. How everything was clearly communicated, tested in closed servers, and promptly addressed if it doesn’t work out as intended.
I also took the chance to jump back into Doom Eternal in my quest to beat it on Nightmare mode. Its stressful but for some bizarre reason still enjoyable. There is no prize or award for beating Nightmare mode that I’m aware of; but just the fun challenge is enough to motivate me to play to the end.
I hope in 2-4 patches GBX fixes the game, and by fix I just want it to go back to how it was in the old M4. Cant stand the modifiers, can’t stand the excessive Mayhem levels, can’t stand the completely broken balance and utter lack of excitment over dropped loot that isn’t called Cupcake or Kaoson, its just crap.
Will it get fixed in 2-4 patches? Maybe. Would anyone care by that time with a ton of AAA games like Cyberpunk, Ghost of Tsushima, Assassian Creed Valhalla coming out? I seriously doubt it.