Clearly matchmaking is not working efficiently and needs a rework!

Ok first of all, if i buy a game which one of it’s core future is coop/multiplayer i expect some kind of solid matchmaking. When i bought bl3 on epic after it’s release before dlcs matchmaking was fine. I could easly find games for campaign, COS and proving grounds.

When i took a break i was close to end of main quest on TVHM and i recently bought season pass and finished the game on THVM. But when i try to matchmake for Maliwan Takedown, COS or Proving grounds i can’t find a single game to join even cross play is on and it makes me feel that matchmaking is pointless and not working. I’m all good in joining in random games and fail or success and i don’t want to go on search for people on discord or webpages to play together. I just want the matchmaking future to work properly.

I think what’s wrong behind the matchmaking right now is there are too many variables to match people like normal or tvhm mode, 0-10 mayhem modes, level diff, region and amount of people who are aware their social is set to public or private. When you take those factors in the system i think it really really narrows down who to matchmake and not.

What we need is a simple game browser where people can create lobby with the desired criteria like game modes, difficulty etc and people can browse and join.

What do you guys think ? Am i wrong or am i doing something wrong with trying to match make like selecting wrong mayhem difficulty like people don’t play ?

Please enlighten me with this system.


I think a big issue here is splitting matchmaking between Normal and TVHM.

I wish Mayhem mode matchmaking was all in one category. This would put more candidates in the pool for selective games.

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I agree, one of the worst things a matchmaking system can do is have too many options since it fragments the player base and leads to long queue times.

A game browser isn’t perfect but seems like a much more natural fit for a PvE game like Borderlands than a matchmaker that revolves around specific content and difficulty settings.


How many searches?
88 Different flavors, better pick right!

Normal Mode - -
Story Takedown Trial Slaughter
M0 M0 M0 M0
M1 M1 M1 M1
M2 M2 M2 M2
M3 M3 M3 M3
M4 M4 M4 M4
M5 M5 M5 M5
M6 M6 M6 M6
M7 M7 M7 M7
M8 M8 M8 M8
M9 M9 M9 M9
M10 M10 M10 M10
TrueVH Mode - -
Story Takedown Trial Slaughter
M0 M0 M0 M0
M1 M1 M1 M1
M2 M2 M2 M2
M3 M3 M3 M3
M4 M4 M4 M4
M5 M5 M5 M5
M6 M6 M6 M6
M7 M7 M7 M7
M8 M8 M8 M8
M9 M9 M9 M9
M10 M10 M10 M10

YES, THANK YOU, someone finally said it! I was thinking the same.

I used to love queuing up for a circle of slaughter, M1, HOPING to get sent to the maliwan map. But now thats just hopeless, like OP said, too many variables.

If not a “server list” or something like that, maybe round up mayhem and such on client-side, like in cooperation mode with the clien side escaling of enemies and loot.

This really needs a fix though.
Nothing like matching up with randoms and help each other out.


Another key issue ATM is when you merge lobbies it resets Mayhem modifiers. This can get really lame

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I’ve never played bl3 co-op but does your difficulty setting affect it, like if you’re on easy or normal as well?

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I would assume so, of there is another layer that can be added into matchmaking I’m sure it will be implemented.

I gave up on matchmaking due to reasons I won’t share on this forum. It always kills threads.

just god damn let us use server list like it used to be , mm are pointless because there are so few people at 1 time anyway

Im just sick of joining a takedown then getting a buncha immune to all my damage mobs. Dazed and infused or cryo immmune mobs are my bane. Cant keep my shields or self up.its embarassing as you get randomly assigned to their modifiers. U gotta reequip yourself or have whole loadouts on u constantly. Not ideal or fun.

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The many gameplay variables certainly doesn’t help. But there are major core problems with matchmaking beyond that. It needs to be scraped and rebuilt.


I came back now after half a year, just bought the dlc for 15 bucks. I die within the first 30 seconds every sibgle time, and matchmaking seemingly didnt improve one bit. That is more then disappointing to me, i basicaly cant believe that this is still an issue.
I was already sad as they announced there will be no dlc charackters, but this just makes the game unplayable in multiplayer - which i prefer.

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Slight update, now the Campaign matchmaking engine will put you in any Mayhem level. I have joined many M4-8 games when my game is on M11.

The game has needed a session browser since the beginning, if you ask me. Now we have arms race too, yet another splinter in the queues (if they can even be called queues).


Couldn’t agree more

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Haven’t played in almost 1 year. Game(patches) pissed me off too much. (old matchmaking included) :rofl:

I haven’t been matched in a team of 4 since the good olden M4 days when Mayhem 2.0 was still a brain fart of an idea.

Legends will tell you that multiplayer actually made the Maliwan takedown a true blast that the Guardian takedown never got the chance to be. :face_with_monocle:

Haven’t tried playing it coop because i know the matchmaking is ■■■■ haha

It’s the only content in this game i cannot solo because of the crystal stage timer ■■■■■■■■

So 1 piece of crap ways even heavier on an other piece of crap… This game could be described as a superturd with all the crap content :sweat_smile:

Another example of GBX taking two steps forward and one back. I don’t recall many people having problems with the matchmaking setup in BL2, which in my opinion works a lot better compared to what is offered in Bl3.

Good luck with a fix if it ever comes. You can put that on the “Big” to do list that they will never do.