Proposed changes in an effort to make Blue/Green builds viable


  • Replace Dominance with something viable to be used in endgame
  • Increase synergy between pets and Fl4k
  • Add unique playstyle(s)
  • Major QoL updates for Gamma Burst and pets
  • Make Trainer viable
  • Create a COM for Blue/Green builds

Blue Capstone v2 “Call of the Wild”

  • +5 Max Frenzy Stacks
  • +1 Different Pet, -50% Pet Respawn Duration
  • Master Skills gain additional traits and are boosted with each Frenzy Stack

What are “Master Skills” and how are they effected?

  1. Who Rescued Who? (+10% per Frenzy stack)
  • Pets share total pet health restored
  • Total Health Restored = Damage x 0.01 x skillPoints / totalNumPets x (1 + (.1 x frenzyStacks x masterSkillEffectiveness))

  1. All My BFFs (+10% per Frenzy stack)
  • Pets share total pet health regen pool
  • Total Health Regen shared = Total Health Regen / totalNumPets x (1 + (.1 x frenzyStacks x masterSkillEffectiveness))

  1. He Bites! (+10% per Frenzy stack)
  • Damage reflected increased with Frenzy stacks
  • Damage Reflected = 0.05 x skillPoints x (1 + (.1 x frenzyStacks x masterSkillEffectiveness))

  1. Pyscho Head on a Stick (+15% per Frenzy stack)
  • Pet Damage and Pet Movement Speed increased with Frenzy stacks
  • Pet Damage = 0.2 x skillPoints x (1 + (.15 x frenzyStacks x masterSkillEffectiveness)
  • Pet Speed = .13 x skillPoints x (1 + (.15 x frenzyStacks x masterSkillEffectiveness)

  1. Hive Mind (+10% per Frenzy stack)
  • Pets split damage shared from fl4k
  • Damage Shared = (0.05 x skillPoints x (1 + (.1 x frenzyStacks x masterSkillEffectiveness)) + Shared Spirit) / totalNumPets

  1. Mutated Defenses (+5% per Frenzy stack)
  • Damage resistance and health regen increased with Frenzy stacks
  • Damage resistance = 0.3 x (1 + (.05 x frenzyStacks x masterSkillEffectiveness)
  • Health Regen = .0667 x (1 + (.05 x frenzyStacks x masterSkillEffectiveness)

  1. Pack Tactics (+5% per Frenzy stack)
  • Pets from the same family share a spirit
  • Only works between Spiderants and other Spiderants for example
  • Only Pet’s Shared Spirit is boost by Frenzy stacks
  • Damage Shared = 0.05 x skillPoints x (1 + (.05 x frenzyStacks x masterSkillEffectiveness)) / (totatNumPetsSameFamily - 1)

Other Skills Changed

  1. Frenzy
  • Stacks over 10 suffer a decreased duration, -4.5% duration per stack over 10
  • Frenzy Damage per stack = (.08 + frenzyEffectiveness) x skillPoints x hunterSkillEffectiveness
  • if frenzyStacks <= 10, Duration = 1 x hunterSkillDuration
  • if frenzyStacks >= 11, Duration = (1 - (.045 x frenzyStacks - 10) x hunterSkillDuration

  1. Lick The Wounds
  • Pet bonuses also apply upon successful rez of another pet/ally

  1. Sic’ Em
  • Increases the speed at which Fl4ks pets attack +16.667% per Skillpoint

  1. Not My Circus
  • Taunt on start and end of Fadeaway, increase range and strength, bandaid fix for Hidden Machine

  1. He goes for the Eyes!
  • Changed to a flat percent chance to crit
  • Works with He Bites! damage reflected

Desired Interactions with Gamma Burst

  • Additional uses within each cooldown, 1 for each pet, essentially “avatar” but more QoL than anything else
  • Activates ASE anoints when rift location changes
  • Every pet is effected by Gamma Burst Effects but only one is teleported, no priority, simple rotation 1,2,3 repeat

Additional Desired Changes

  • Automatically use Attack Command upon starting an action skill (could use targeting ai from Rakks or Hunter Seekers)
  • Pet Damage boosted across the board by 10x, could be a factorization of Mayhem level

Friendly Trainer v2 ///// “Red Fang + Friendbot + Phasezerker”

  • Pack Tactics, Barbaric Yawp, Frenzy
  • “The circle of life…”
  • +1 Different Pet, +5 Max Frenzy Stacks
  • Pets will attempt to rez other knocked pets/allies. This action taunts enemies in melee range

White Fang ///// “Thrillbot + Phasezerker + St4ckbot”

  • Most Dangerous Game, Big Game, Frenzy
  • The son of a wolf in the valley of the moon…
  • x2 Frenzy Stacks, -50% Frenzy Effectiveness, -50% Master Skill Effectiveness
  • Critical hits do +3.33% more v2 Damage with each Frenzy Stack

Theoretical Effects

Call of the Wild + Master Skills

  • Blue gains incredible Utility and further damage boosts tied to pets encouraging grabbing Capstone
  • Gamma Burst QoL changes
  • Friendbot gets an indirect buff

Additional Changes

  • Changed another two never picked skills to things that might interest players in the new playstyle
  • Increased pet damage numbers across the board

Friendly Trainer v2

  • Feel like a pokemon trainer
  • Share up to 72% damage taken at max Frenzy stacks (.13 x 3 + .33)
  • You will never worry about your own health before that of your pets
  • As you lose pets you lose damage
  • Forced to play pokemon before you die
  • Highest Master Skill bonuses possible (20 stacks at 100% effectiveness)
  • Pack Tactics side note:
  1. Picking 2 pets from the same family and one from another will naturally cause the non-family member pet to die first
  2. This also allows the rezzing pet to share some of its own damage taken during the rez taunt

White Fang

  • Fade crits gain this v2 damage
  • St4ckbot like effects tied to frenzy which is in turn tied to pet survivability
  • Encourages deep Blue along with Green tree
  • Damage should automatically ramp with increase in mobs
  • May never reach max potential unless attempting hardest content in hardest difficulty
  • At Max Frenzy stacks with 6/3 Big Game stacks decay 70% faster than with default Frenzy without any Big Game bonuses
  • At Max Frenzy stacks with 3/3 Big Game stacks decay 80% faster
  • Red/Blue may not be capable of reaching and maintaining 30 stacks even with Gamma
  • Red/Green loses out on 10 max stacks and either PI or Megavore
  • Will work insanely well with Not my Circus, multiple pets, and He Bites!
  • Blue/Green?!?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Some minor changes

0 voters


Absolutely love it! I really hope this gets taken into consideration. As we all know, FL4K feels super forced into the red tree to be viable in the endgame - these are not just the usual “I don’t know what needs to be changed, but change it!” ideas but actual, well thought out ideas which can be practically applied immediately. Thanks for taking the time to come up with all this and sharing it here, I’ll be sure to spread it around!


Thank you a lot. I did spend a good amount of time on this. I even did some basic balancing math.

For a Red/Blue build using the new skill tree as I laid out it results in a +36% overall damage boost. Nothing too serious and in my mind it could be considered a way to buff non-m6+ weapons.

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I’m definitely into the new capstone you propose.

The biggest benefit here is the extra pet + Barbaric Yawp interaction.

Minor question:

How does attack command work? Both pets attack command on targeted enemy simultaneously?

Also really, really like new version of Trainer. Great idea.

But not so sure about White Fang…no one will play blue/green with this when they could take Megavore and get all that v2 critical damage on non-criticals 20% of the time. Just creates a more offense/less defense way to play Gammavore.

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How does attack command work? Both pets attack command on targeted enemy simultaneously?

It could work that way, or be a rotation of pets like how I intend Gamma Burst to work. Really depends on how much damage the attack command does or if it acts as a psuedo taunt. My preference would be for it to work with all pets, although I have no problem either way.

But not so sure about White Fang…no one will play blue/green with this when they could take Megavore and get all that v2 critical damage on non-criticals 20% of the time. Just creates a more offense/less defense way to play Gammavore.

Perhaps. I am a little concerned about this to be completely upfront. Which is why I heavily decreased frenzy stack duration while above 10. Without access to a taunt, Red/Blue Gamma might not be able to maintain enough stacks to even compare to the old 5/5 Frenzy with 10 Max stacks.

If this gets into the game. Frenzy Duration and the decay scaling will be the main balancing factor between Red/Blue and Blue/Green. Not my Circus taunts will be key to maintaining max stacks.