What is the best Drone and clone Augments

I have reached the max level and I’m having trouble deciding which Augments to go with. My build goes down both blue and red tree and I have the Bad Dose and Boomsday for my Drone but I don’t know what good for my Clone. What would you guys go with?

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For the drone I always use Bad Dose and the shield drain. Endgame the damage ones just aren’t worth it and I don’t love the cryo rounds.

For the clone dopplebanger is a must. A primary use of the clone at end game is to trigger action skill end anoints. Even if you’re going for a double barrel build where you keep the clone out all the time it’s useful for repositioning it. For the other slot I usually take the one that makes enemies target it.

For drone, I use bad dose to debuff and cause radiation damage over time (does like no damage, but adds 5% total damage when you have the Gaurdian perk that adds damage for every status effect), and cryo rounds because all my weapons are sntnl cryo annoint so that helps freeze everything around you. None of the clone augments do any considerable damage so I pick based on the other effects.

Clone I use the one where his damage refills my shield, and where enemies target him not me after swap. That way he keeps taking damage (which I refill with constat swapping) thus keeping my shield up more than otherwise so good for survivability as the rest of my build is more about dps than defense.

I use the rad beam and shield refill augments on my Drone.

The drone doing Cryo is viable, but since I mostly use SNTNL Cryo anoints, spreading more Cryo around feels redundant.