Hello all,
This build is centered on making Tediore Moze MH10 viable by using the automatic crit on grenades from Pull the Holy Pin to spawn Mindsweeper grenades on any target (even crit immune phases on Wotan), all while maintaining health gate and having a way to heal both your shield and hp instantly, making you almost unkillable with insane damage potential.
Using a shock Tediore with 160% splash vs the dummy (shock on flesh) I was able to get a mindsweeper chain that hit for 783m on the final explosion, bringing the total for 1 reload to around 1b damage. With the 300% while above 90% hp and matching elements while having the 25% grenade anointment up, the damage potential could reach absolutely crazy amounts of 3b+ without counting the 5 MIRV projectiles or kill skills. If you aim for the crit spot Tediore reloads can crit without relying on PTHP, making the grenade chains much more consistent, with the Mirv projectiles offering even more crit opportunities, spawning mindsweeper grenades which then cover a massive area with 9/5 in Torgue cross promotion.
Shock reloads allow you to instantly regen your 38k transformer. Also, by speccing into Redistribution and Rushing Offensive you can reach health gate with every explosion. Shoot and reload while you sprint or start sprinting after throwing a reload, with the Mirv projectiles healing you to max hp the moment they hit a target. Shock reloads can also spawn shock Mindsweeper nades which can heal you… you get the point, I can’t think of a tankier way to play Moze
The spec:
Demolition Woman 5/5 Grizzled, 5/5 Torgue Cross Promotion, 3/3 Pull the Holy Pin
Spec the DW tree only up to PTHP - we don’t need any more points in here since we can heal without vampyr and Short Fuse does not increase our damage with reloads. Avoid Fire in the Skag Den since it makes you do fire damage and you will kill yourself even with shock reloads.
Bottomless Mags 5/5 Matched Set, 5/5 Scrappy, 1/1 Redistribution, 3/3 Stoke the Embers, 1/1 Rushing Offensive, 5/5 IronBank
Redistribution and Rushing Offensive will allow us to health gate efficiently, you can regen your HP and Shield together in 1 shock reload while sprinting. Redistribution also allows you to regenerate ammo before you reload to get more damage overall.
Matched Set and Iron bank give us the most mag size possible for higher reload damage. Use a tediore grenade to get the most out of Matched set.
Shield of Retribution 5/5 Armored Infantry, 5/5 Drowning in Brass, 2/3 Thin Red Line, 5/5 Vladof Ingenuity, 3/3 Desperate Measures, 2/5 Phalanx Doctrine.
2/3 Thin Red Line to keep health gate while boosting your transformer to a massive 38k shield. Going 3/3 will make you lose health gate and you will go into instant FFYL if you take enough damage.
Don’t spec Experimental Munitions since it will also make you kill yourself on crits.
Tediore reloads count as grenades and are directly boosted by gun damage, magazine size, grenade damage, splash damage (aoe), and elemental multipliers. Damage is based on the remaining bullets in your magazine. Reload speed becomes equivalent to fire rate, and splash radius also provides a good indirect dps increase.
The Gear
The Everblast allows for the most damage per reload. 160% splash anointments and 300% weapon damage while above 90% hp are the best available, with the latter being better for full HP enemies or enemies with multiple health bars. Fire 1 shot and instantly reload for the most damage, reload damage is based on how many shots you have left in the mag. Shock reloads allow you to instantly heal your shield, but you can use any element to heal your hp with Rushing Offensive. Matching elements offers by far the highest damage but you risk dying if you get caught in the splash radius.
The facepuncher allows us to regenerate shotgun ammo in 1 shot with the cutpurse since the pellets count as melee hits. Other decent ways to regenerate ammo with melee+curpurse are the launchpad, rocket boots and the fish slap. Unfortunately they are not efficient enough since the rockets tend to hit other targets, or you constantly have to throw grenades/slam/slide to keep up with the ammo consumption. The face puncher just needs 1 shot and you are at max. Just make sure to time it before you enter IB or you will lose anointments when you switch weapons.
A massive increase in damage output with +splash from TGP and insane grenade chains if you are lucky enough. It gives us almost unlimited damage potential. Mindsweeper nades benefit from basically the same bonuses as tediore reloads (apart from mag size) making the two synergize really well.
Tediore grenades give the most mag size with matched set, the It’s Piss would provide a good damage boost as well. Use a 25% weapon and grenade damage anointment for the most damage potential possible since both bonuses are multiplicative and offer a huge boost to reloads.
The transformer makes us almost unkillable since we can spam shock reloads endlessly. Anointments aren’t crucial here but 75% shield and hp after Iron Bear makes you even more tanky, at the cost of making it harder to health gate since it takes more to heal past 50% hp. Don’t use a shock ASE anointment since it will kill you even with shock reloads+transformer.
Allows us to regen ammo instantly with the face puncher, by keeping health gate we can exchange deathless for a Victory Rush which gives more damage and movement speed. You can use an elemental projector for even crazier damage output against bosses, if you have a way to apply-self Dots. As stated before, launchpad and rocket boots also offer decent way to regen ammo without switching gear but I do not find these consistent enough to be worth the loss of the Victory Rush bonus. +Grenade +Mag Size +Weapon damage allows for the most damage possible on the artifact and com.
That’s all, hope you enjoyed the build!
For more info on mindsweeper damage: