Lunacy artifact: yay or nay?

When I first saw this artifact I got excited thinking about a Deathless type effect but without the 1hp mechanic. Since then I have yet to figure out how to make use of this in a way that would be as good as a Deathless build.

The only benefit this has over a Deathless is that you don’t have to sacrifice health to get the 100% shield. However, to make the most of 100%+ shields you still have to sacrifice a lot of health to be worthwhile (I think) so is it really worth having a small amount of health?

The only thing I could think of that might work would be to utilize TRL to get health under 50% and utilize the under 50% health radiation anointment. I guess it does also allow you to use shields that have effects on break or even Tenacious Defense but I would think those effects work better on smaller shields so you can break/fill more often to get the effect.

Has anyone experimented with this in any interesting ways that proved effective or is this just a poorly conceived artifact?

edit adding pic for reference:

It works if you want to have a lot of shields as Moze without losing the safety net that is Health-gate (as long as you are above 50%), and want to use things like the Recharger or Tenacious Defense. Otherwise you probably want to use the Deathless to maximize Desperate Measures.

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I wish there was a number instead of ‘greatly increases recharge delay’

I feel like it doubles the time and coupled with the poor choice of rolls on the bottom i never messed with it again, BUT I could see it mabye poring with a blood letter well to get your shield back.

But the rolls where the only damage one I’ve seen underneath is area of effect damage and nothing else (so far) really killed it for me

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it’s good if you have the guardian perk that allows to start charging your shield when you kill an enemy .

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I use it with one of my Gunners who isn’t built down the Shield of Retribution tree but wants to use a nice Bloodletter she found sometimes. She uses it with the taser from the Leech pistol: she builds around mag size until she gets two taser shots on deck, which lets her keep one on an enemy almost constantly (don’t fire them both unless you’re in trouble). Lots of switching, but it makes her shield refill pretty strong.

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You can use it with both Re-Charger and Stop-Gap and dont give up Health Gate.
You could still use both shields with 3/3 Thin Red Line and get the 150% Radiation annoint to still have survivability. You wont have health gate but the effect can trigger before downing you. Also, the annoint gives you one more bullet if you are using guns that spawn pellets such as Jakobs on crit, the Carrier and the Projectile Recursion.
With 3/3 Thin Red Line you can still get something from Desperate Measures too.
Also, the new annoint that gives you amp after shield breaking could be good too with both Tenacious Defense and Re-Charger backing you up.
One more thing I can think about is that it doubles the shield boost from Phalanx Doctrine if you spec this down.

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