Overall best shield for Moze?

I just realized as I tried harder Mayhem levels that I’ve been using the same transformer shield for a long time.

Any consensus on a ‘best’ shield for the moze character?

And yes, I know it depends on different situations, but I’d still like to hear what people say.

Thanks in advance!

Old gods is pretty good 2 a fire variant for moze since she does alot of fire dmg bonus dmg already

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BBB is very popular as well as the re-charger
btw, are you using the search function?

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Yes and I see there are lots of opinions, lol.

Thanks! I’ll look for bbb(?) and old gods. Thanks to you both.

big boom blaster
its rather small but it always drops boosters that fill 60% of your shield, a heavy ammo and a grenade ammo

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Yup, BBB

I think if you can only choose one, the Transformer is the overall best. These other shields are great too Stop Gap, BBB, Old God, Revengener, Double Downer. But let’s say you point a gun on me and pick one: Transformer.


For me it’s a fire type old god unless I’m running green monster then I might go corrosive old god.

Before those came out it was a stopgap.

These are just my opinions :joy:

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im using a re-charger with the new trigger anoint now
so i can use it with my 1 hp build

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Still a 20 second cool down on that though right?

it seems to be bugged with stop gap, so amara and fl4k can abuse it for immortality
i also didnt recognize that it didnt work 1 time i was using it with iron bear
so the anoint probably ignores the cooldown

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Wow frozen snowshoe too. Couple with a Bloodletter mod and a snowdrift. The snowball from snowdrift will cause the bonus from the snowshoe to proc from a distance giving Moze much needed cc that she doesn’t have.


I like the boom blaster with any kind of grenade spam/ammo regin build on moze it is ace with fire hose moze. It really helps when your a nade chuckin machine!

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Thanks everyone! I farmed some old gods and a lunacy artifact. I’ll go with those for now.
Much appreciated.

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I was lucky enough to find a lvl 57 Transformer with 75 % increase of both shield AND health for 25 seconds upon IB exit anoint.

With a Bloodletter + a Deathless arti it is the best Moze shield I have had on yet :shield:

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Keep in mind, all these Old God recommendations are usually based on awesome rolls. The Old God is able to drop with 3 augments on top of the legendary effect so people take advantage of that. The majority of Old Gods are bad, it takes a while to get a cool one.

BBB is the most popular because of its utility and great stats (minus capacity usually).

Re-charger is alright for survival but honestly I find it less useful since Iron Bear is useless in later Mayhem levels. I used to use IB to hide in while I let that 20s recharge.

Double Downer gets a lot of hate by some and a lot of praise by others. If you’re able to accept ffyl, it makes it super easy to get back up. Not the greatest for record TTD runs, but it can definetely carry you through the TTD like no other shield just to complete it. I like having one when I’m just messing around so I don’t bleed out by accident.

Transformer is still an alright shield, it’s just boring in my opinion. It’s stats are pretty average, but shock healing can be pretty op.

Band of Sitorak is pretty interesting. The bonus stats are kind of crap but the legendary effect is alright. Extra damage, and the shield is so fast it basically just helps you stay above healthgate. I do find without any shield boosts at all it can be a bit rough trying to stay out of ffyl.

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Overall I would say Double Downer. No need to farm good parts, just finish the side quest and it is done.

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