Any definitive information on loaded dice?

Has anyone heard if this artifact is bugged? I’m not concerned about increasing my luck. I found one with increased heavy and area affect and it really speeds up farming with the yellow cake. I just don’t want to use it if it actually decreases my loot chances.

I ask because I put it on and immediately felt like I was getting decreased drops from Traunt. I looked it up and there was speculation from the games release that the item was bugged and actually decreasing drop rates.

Any info would be truly appreciated.

zkarma got video about it , conclusion : almost 0 difference it seems

Zero difference is preferable to a negative one!

Yes. Don’t use it. Is just another item that is to add the count for legendary. Useless.

Currently, Min 90% of all items are useless in M10. And this on top that most of world drop are still not scaled with M6+. So… you eitheR use the few items that works above M10 or take a break until they fix it. So… Note: they just started to balance the items when M 2.0 came and throw everything away as almost nine are correctly scaled to be feasible above M6…

I guess. All of my 100% cryo with sntnl active still work fine as long as they are leveled and I’m hitting crits.

This artifact increases the usability of my yellow cake though. So yeah, I know about the OP weapons…

I looted one the other day so I swapped it for my +15.00 luck purple that I normally use for farming. Didn’t seem to make much difference to me, I was getting about the same results with either of them. I still think a standard +15.00 luck artifact with the Buttstallion Milk buff from the BL Science machine is the best combination for repetitive boss farming.