Question on Kaoson kinetic vs elemental

Finally got some elemental ones but are they really worth using over the kinetic one?

Kinetic one has 5450x2 while the corrosive one I have has 3405x2. I guess the difference is in the dot which says it does 4290 damage on it’s DOT. And Corrosive for instance is better of course against armored targets.

But that’s a pretty big difference on the paper stats. I’m using Zane and Sentinel annoints mostly.

Nothing wrong with keeping both i say…

Elemental variants always do less damage than the kinetic ones, because they are so good against what they counter (health, shields, armor).

also the drop levels can vary a lot lately
so you could have dropped a kinetic MH10 and an elemental MH8

Yeah I’m curious about that and how often it happens. Too bad we don’t currently have a way to tell on the weapon card.

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they are working on it


Add the elemental damage on the corrosive one with the base damage and they are probobly closer to the same dps.

I know but it’s only 8% chance to apply, with fast fire rate on a weapon like this, it’s basically guaranteed to apply, but kinetic version simply has that damage on every shot.

I have a hard time wrapping my head around how elemental is stronger lol. Or rather I know it’s stronger, specficially against the things it’s good against but how much are you losing against other targets.

Like with Cryo and Radiation it’s not quite as clear .

What you are not considering is that elemental damage on a gun doesn’t exist in a vacuum. You aren’t thinking about how the elemental damage also interacts with anointments, AS and class skills plus the bonus they get to their matched bars.

Elemental damage is also dot (damage over time) and when the element procs, it does constant dot and procs again so its still damaging the enemies while you are reloading and hitting other targets.

Am using a kinetic version with the 300 anointment and it wrecks just about everything fine.

One aspect of the dmg difference might be magsize too. Bigger mag = less dmg.

But i would always use elemental variants over kinetic ones. Elememt matching is much more efficient then the slightly higher base dmg kinetic weapons provide.

Meh, depends on the annoint. Just like all the other guns.

What’s everyone seeing for the damage on these? I’m trying to figure out what Mayhem level the ones are that I’ve been getting are. The highest damage that I have is around 5500 for an elemental.

Nope does not depend. The lowest elemental multiplier you get for matching elements is 50% (rad/cryo)
Kinetic weapons dont have 50% higer base dmg. Also they deal 20% less against armor.

Trust me you don’t want that x2 unless you have serious mag size rolls on your com/artifact or ammo regents like Moze that clip will be gone faster than a muffuccaa

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If you have a 200% annoint or 100% cryo annoints drop you would use that. Therefore it wouldn’t matter what the actual gun dropped as because these would do way more damage than other versions.

Tell me I’m wrong.

The DoT for 4290/s is ~1430 a tick. 3 ticks hit in one second. DoT aside you need to element match. If you are shooting Armor the Kinetic will do 4360x2 per shot. While the Corrosive will do 5959x2 per shot.

For best results, just like any other gun: Cryo/Rad for mobbing. Fire/Corrosive/Shock for Bosses.

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Allright, I give you some quick maths :slight_smile:

Example Hyperfocus, because i have a kinetic and fire variant with the exact same parts
Kinetic 3147 dmg
Fire 2518 dmg

Assuming 200 asa anoint
The kinetic variant deals 3147 x3 = 9441 against flesh
Fire deals 2518 x3 x 1,75 = 13220 against flesh

Assuming 100% cryo
Kinetic 3147 + 3147 = 6294 against flesh
Fire 2518 x 1,75 + 2518 = 6925 against flesh

Keep in mind this only factors in the actual gun and no skills. The discrepancy would get even bigger with more bonuses.

The kinetic gun in this case deals 25% higher base dmg, but this is set off by any elemental multiplier you get as the smallest for a matched element is 50%.
In this case though it’s 75%

Thing is, that kinetic one has a very good roll on damage parts and the corrosive one has a bad roll. The difference between kinetic and elemental is much smaller if both weapons have the same parts otherwise. If you remove the varying damage parts, the kinetic one would be 4504x2 and the corrosive one would have 3603x2 (corrosive default is 80% of kinetic).

I believe both are M10 because the numbers add up nicely. I believe you have two +10% damage parts on the kinetic one, and a +5% and a -10% one on the corrosive.

Is anyone even able to get these right now? The loot event is ruining the game. I farmed Traunt 50 times yesterday and only got grenades and shields. That’s lame enough given by now most players have all of those items and more importantly they don’t scale–complete and total waste of time. It’s so frustrating to have items only drop from one person on MH 6 or higher then not be able to get them b/c their loot pool is flooded with crap nobody wants.