So I am aware of the interaction between multiple ASE elemental anointments and side/ricochet projectiles, in the fact that the more unique ASE elemental anoints you have active, the more side/ricochet projectiles you get from weapons like the Hyperfocus, the Calls, etc.
I am assuming that the 100% cryo sntnl and the 150% rad <50% health also proc these extra projectiles.
That being said, is it true to say that the damage from one of these types of anointments will be better, in most situations, over a straight up 200% ASA damage or 300% damage over 90% health anointments due to the stated extra damage and the extra projectiles also having this damage?
So if the damage is 100 on a hyperfocus, it procs 2 side pellets, so theoretical damage is 300 per shot (100 + 2 x 100). Add 100% cryo sntnl and the damage is (100 + 2 x 100) + (Cryo 100 + 2 x Cryo 100) + (2 x 100) + (2 x cryo 100) as it now procs 4 side pellets, each of which gets the cryo damage bonus, totalling 1000 damage.
Have I got this right? Because, to me that would be better than a straight up 200% damage when action skill is active (200 + 2 x 200) = 600, and better than a 300% over 90% health (300 + 2 x 300) = 900
If I have gotten this wrong, would some knowledgeable person point out where I have gone wrong please.