Borderlands Wiki incorrect

Not sure how to contact the people that do the Wiki, I’m posting here assuming they frequent the forums.

They say under the “Rogue Lite” modifier that Amara’s Guardian Angel does not work, which is incorrect. That was the FIRST thing I tested when I got this modifier, and it does work.

Anyone know the Wiki guys or can point me how to contact them I’d appreciate it.

If you have an account you should be able to edit it yourself. Its part of the reason that many have given up on the wiki, you edit something and soon after someone changes it to incorrect information. They don’t have a validation system. So its bound to be littered with minor mistakes.

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Oh well dang. LOL Not sure if I wanna go through the trouble.

I gave up on editing there a long time ago. Others have been more persistent, but reversion to incorrect information happens a bit too often for my liking.


It’s really ■■■■■■ that some people just seem to like to destroy other peoples work just for fun.

That’s also the reason why you now have to have a account, back in the day anyone could just edit the pages.

Like I was actually the person that originally added the info that Moxxi’s pistol is named Rubi (Artwork/General Knoxx) years before Borderlands 2 was even a thing. Not 10 minutes later and someone had changed everything I wrote to some very inappropriate gibberish. Luckily someone saw that and rewrote what I added.

Also someone was categorical always deleting the Starship Troopers and Dead Space references on items from TPS. And this isn’t even a debate when the gun and red text are actual references to characters and actual lines from them, like the Zim and Reogenator. Not to mention that there where nods to both in past games aswell.

Makes me really furios.

I also once added a potential nod to Borderlands on the Darksiders Wiki, which stood there for years and then some time after the Remaster was released years! later, some new user deletes it and writes just “that’s cute”…

Sorry had to get that off my chest :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Well if you play Amara just know that her Guardian Angel skill does indeed work when Rogue-Lite modifier is active.

The only difference is that normally you can avoid using GA if you get a kill before the FFYL animation finishes. With that modifier you can’t do that anymore.

Just want to confirm the frustration others have mentioned with the Wiki. Now I think a wiki is a great idea, but it relies on being frequented a lot by people who know what they’re talking about and correcting misinformation. That’s e.g. why the English Wikipedia is much more reliable than the German one, simply because there are far more people visiting the pages and correcting misinformation if they see some.

On a poorly frequented wiki like the BL one, someone’s going to add gross misinformation and it’ll remain unnoticed for weeks if not more. E.g. I changed Guerrillas duration from 8s to 5s when the patch did that, and a month later someone changed it back to 8s and it went unnoticed for a week or so.

The correct melee damage formula (as tested and confirmed by many individuals) was put in the wiki, only for someone to change it to something that doesn’t work at all with the comment “i did more damage to a skag”.

Someone posts the correct information that melee damage is spread over the Face-puncher’s pellets and later someone replaces that with “full melee damage on every pellet”. Again, if it was frequented a lot, mistakes like these would be quickly fixed, but sadly that doesn’t happen on the BL wiki.

And then there are some “power users” who keep an eye on every single change made on the wiki and change every single wording and every single formatting that’s not to their liking, no matter if that’s for better or worse. One of these power users replaced that correct Face-puncher info with the incorrect one. It can be pretty frustrating.

That’s one of the reasons why I resorted to writing guides here instead, so I have control over it and not anyone can change it at will.

If you want to change something in the wiki, you can always just get an account and change it yourself. But seeing the state it’s in, to be brutally honest I gave up on it.

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I don’t get why people would change it to the wrong info. Do they think their info is correct?

Why is there no vetting process? It seems counter productive to just let ANYONE change stuff if they can purposely put misinformation.

It’s sad because the wiki could be the best source for information gathering but not if people are dicks like that.

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They don’t mean to do wrong, they just have the wrong idea. Just consider how much wrong info about BL3 is going around on Youtube, on Reddit, on Discord, here. Everywhere. Tbh I can’t blame them, way back in the BL2 days I entered two wrong infos there before I later learned I was wrong. At the time, I believed it was correct.

But that’s the basic principle of a wiki, anyone can change it and the vetting process is other people stumbling over that and correcting it. As I said, that works pretty well if a wiki is heavily frequented, but in a poorly frequented wiki like the BL one that’s kind of a problem.


This is a throwback to the past, back in the BL1 days we had people come around the forums unable to work out what was wrong, when the problem was the wiki. Yeah though, it’s been an issue for so long that even then it was a standing joke.