The loot quality increase for M10 is a lie

It’s a boldface lie. It’s no better than the old M4, and maybe even worse. There may be more anointments, but it’s not > 3x, which is what is being advertised.


Played 2 days on mayhem 6 after mayhem 4, and its definitely the feeling im getting too.

I almost always get not even annointed drops, and much less legendaries than on m4 …
The diffuiculty increase is not worth it at this point


I dunno about M10, but on M8 I get guns that deal considerably more damage than their pre 2.0 counterparts.

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I think of M10 quality loot as similar to primal quality loot in Diablo 3. It rarely ever drops, but when it does, the stats are obviously bigger. But the great thing is that they’re easily identifiable. Red border signifies primal loot.

The problem in BL3 right now is that there’s no way to identify what mayhem tier the gear is. At Mayhem 10, just like any Torment level in Diablo 3, most of your loot is still going to be the basic legendary stats. Some others will be higher than M0 tier in damage. An extremely rare amount of it will be M10 level stats.

When there’s no way to clearly identify what tier of loot a gun is, you’re going to be sitting through mountains of crap weapons trying to do math in your head to figure out gun strength based on damage. That gives the illusion that M10 gear simply doesn’t drop. It might be dropping but on weapons you never like to use and you’re simply not sure because the damage number multiplied by the rounds per second to figure out DPS isn’t something you’ve done on guns you never use.

Gearbox NEEDS to add a way for us to quickly identify gun mayhem strength. Gearbox SHOULD also add a “DPS” stats to guns so we don’t have to constantly do math in our heads of damage multiplied by fire rate. It’s mentally exhausting to have to constantly crunch the numbers to see what mayhem tier a piece of loot is.


The loot you get from enemy drops is increased but the drawback is the look from vending machines and loot chests isn’t.


Go farm anywhere outside of Pandora and Cartels and come back and tell us your results.

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Can you elaborate?

whole damn game is broken AF… and M10 drops are broken too… both these dropped in the same run (M10)


Go farm a boss on the higher mayhem levels. Drops are worse than what they were prior to the patch. Mayhem levels show this huge % increase for loot quality and it’s a joke.


Interesting, I actually had good luck this weekend with Bad Asses and bosses, but the damn chests and vending machines only had regular stuff and wasn’t scaled to Mayhem 10. I farmed the red chests by Ellie’s Garage

they do , but seem in a few day, they had made some changes on the servers side that they didn’t said, as i find yesterday, it is suddently different than one day before, drops of some non MH10 LV legendary, so many time, that why i change to MH6, it is beter than before, and any MH !!!

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Yea, chests and vending machines don’t scale at all. Neither do grenades, shields, class mods and artifacts. I farmed Graveward and Gigamind the day of the patch and the drops were terrible. Haven’t touched them since.


doesn’t make any sense to not scale those other items. vehicle damage isn’t either. It took me 5 minutes to kill a skag pup lol


basically, all vending machine, wouldn’t give u any MH LV stuffs, u have to farm them on NPC.

No it isn’t - at least not by the stats presented. When I see 1000+% loot increase that means that even vanishingly small chances, in the hundredth of a percentage, should be actually quite common. I am seeing better stats on the gear that is dropped, yes.

What I am not seeing at the scale of thousands of percent better:
More gear. I just killed Traunt and he dropped 2 items.
Better gear. I still get almost 100% world (vendor trash) drops. I have 2 runs in 12 with no legendaries which, again, defies math at the levels of improvement claimed.
Better Annointments. Is don’t see more anointed gear, nor do I see better annointments.

Now, the usual response is RNG limited sample size. I get that the maybe 200 runs I have done across a variety of boss is not stat sig. I’d buy that if the increases were on the order of 25% but as I said when you get over 1000% it should be apparent even in a small sample size.

The other options are:
It’s broken
The loot boost, like I believe is true of Luck Boosts, do not apply to legendaries which is all any of us really care about.


I keep buying that butt stallion milk even though I know it’s a lie.


that never scaled for some reason (again, i’m realy doubting the devs more and more each passing day)

so much obvious crap that never gets fixed or gets fixed after the forum turns into a mass protest…

GB cleary doesn’t play their own game…


I stopped playing the game bcuz of it. At this point that is not acceptable and just shows a total disconnect. Maybe I’ll come back when there is some common sense in game development.


:laughing: I haven’t bothered with that for a while. It made absolutely no difference for me.

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Sometimes I get no legendaries at all from a boss kill on M10. I’ve farmed Katagawa Jr, Katagawa ball, General Traunt, Captain Traunt, Gen1nV1VE, and Graveward.