NoPewPew: yay or nay?

I got this gun today:

I been using it on Amara with an incendiary Old God + Pearl of Ineffable Knowledge and it absolutely melts most everything. Not sure if the gun is just really good or it just works really well with my particular setup or maybe that anointment is great but it’s probably all of the above. Huge yay from me!


It’s really, really strong against flesh which is obvious. Unlike some other weapons tho that seems to be all it can be good against sadly it doesn’t seem to have that unique stuff to be one of the weapons that can just chew through stuff it’s weak against :frowning: It’s good fun against flesh tho, it hits hard.

That hasn’t been my experience. It’s shredding all health bars for me pretty well. That being said I’m playing Amara so I can set my AS to shock + gun is incendiary with Old God/Pearl boost + 150% radiation damage under 50% health + other Amara element buffs = ridiculous damage. I’m also only playing on M6 so maybe it doesn’t scale as well at M10…not sure.

I’m actually killing myself with Pool Party because I kill so many things at once so fast that the entire area gets covered in pools and I have no where to go. I hate Pool Party. Not as much as The Floor is Lava but close!

It is very good vs flesh. With the long start up time you need to turn it on and the spin up time it is isn’t useable all the time but vs Heavyweights and bosses with big hit boxes it is a murderer.

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I got one the first day and it melts flesh targets. However, it also eats up all of your ammo really fast. I had to stop using it.

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Yes for me. I play Moze. It melts anything including non-flesh enemies in M10.

I pair it with Splash Moze, BL with +3 DM, Elemental Projector, Pool Party mod. It wrecks. Ammo is not an issue with Some for the Road.

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Would like to have it as a secondary on my moze since my hp always under 50 percent. But wouldn’t beat yellowcake for damage.

Wait…this brings up something I didn’t even consider…is that anointment (in my image) referring to the enemy health or your own health? I assumed it meant enemy and I thought I saw radiation damage on enemies but after reading your post…I’m genuinely confused now. Stuff is dying so fast I might be seeing things.

I like the gun but I hate the CoV “overheating / breaking” mechanic. Even Moze’s BM tree can’t get rid of it so I’d rather use the Shredifier.

Its pretty good. The windup is the biggest problem the gun has imo.

With that much windup id rather use the opQ for the assault slot - even against flesh.

Better for bosses than for mobbing for sure.

I haven’t had an issue with the windup. Even those first few slow bullets nearly kills most things. The only thing that hasn’t worked well for me with the gun so far is big enemy shields like Captain Traunt. I cleared entire zone up to Traunt…all enemy types and healthbar types with ease and never had an issue with ammo or windup. However, that huge boss shield…even with my AS set to shock…it didn’t work so great. This was on M6…I’m sure that’s even worse on M10.

It refers to YOUR health. So moze its a full time anointment.

I’ve been using this gun with Bottomless Mags Moze and it absolutely wrecks with her, even shielded or armored enemies melt pretty easy with it. That said, I’ve only been playing on MH4 and below so far, not sure how it goes on higher MH levels but, as soon as I can get one to drop on a higher MH (the one I have is MH 2) I’ll definitely be using it.

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I’m actually using one I got on M6 on M8 and it still does great damage to most things. The only time it hasn’t was on a boss like Traunt. It didn’t do great against that huge shield even on Amara with AS set to shock but once the shield is gone it kills him really fast. Kind of disappointed my AS shock damage wasn’t enough to deal with the shield but oh well.