Cant tell if its doing solid damage or not. I have it on a hellshock and I think but not sure but I think its doing around 218k on crits for maliwan enemies I tested on athenas. My crits themselves were doing 190k. Anyway maybe someone has done better testing and seen if it scales with splash ect
I don’t have anything solid yet. But it apparently works for Amara
That’s a non Mayhem’d Hellfire doing 13k on a crit and getting 212k on this nova.
This is Bear getting 960k on a HoR crit, and the Nova doing 568k
Perhaps I was doing it wrong, but I tried the anoint with a AAA (has both high DoT chance and DoT damage) and it wasn’t doing a tremendous amount against the test dumbies in Athenas.
I think it procs individual pellets and divides the card Elemental Effect by the pellets. I was using a brainstormer and it was terrible. I think it works for high Elemental Effect single bullet guns, better. Just have to find one with the anointment.
Well the brainstormer has pretty low dot damage though compared to the hellshock it completly relies on status effect damage for how much the nova does
I say its very good, I was able to kill a group of m8 enemy shields with an m2 hellshock.
But I’m built for mind sweeper so I’ve got a lot of splash boosts.
i may be wrong but I think status chance plays a part in how often the effect can apply, which is why a hellshock is so good with this, plus its high fire rate.
Your not wrong status chance is how it activates there is a vid in YouTube about it and you can learn how to maximize damage for it.
cool I’ll look that up, there’s an idea I’ve been wanting to try with it but I don’t know if it’ll work yet.
I do know that anointment can be used on any character fl4k honestly makes it work best
well i think it may work with mindsweeper actually.
I’m not 100% but I think my grenade drop also caused a nova?
It works on Hex grenades and any grenade that an crit naturally. Mindsweeper grenades crits should trigger the explosions.
Although with the damage from a grenade chain, it’s probably irrelevant. The nova damage is based on the DoT, not the crit.
If only EM or Skag could cause the critNade to be Fire naturally to grab the Fire Dots we get from good shock splash
but since the anoint on the gun can trigger the effect in grenades maybe it’s still using the dot and chance of the gun? Either way that’s still a pretty nice interaction thanks to pull the holy pin.
what do you think?
It’ll use any gun DoT. No problems there.
What I’m saying is, if your trigger crit is a chaining grenade, your chained grenade damage will end up making the crit nova look silly.
There’s some kind of interesting interaction with the rosen thorns.
It can generate both fire and corrosive mind sweeper grenades, can’t tell what makes the distinction and can’t remember if it can do both at once or not.
The Detonator has to match the Prime dot, and the damage is based on the DoT that started it. This is good news because it means a shock hex can detonate the stronger shock dot of a gun like shocker instead.
Unless that’s not how it works. I’ll have to do some more swap testing to make sure. I want to get a Fire Hyperfocus to proc my fire dots off my Shocker.
That is how it works.
I don’t understand the term/effect well, but does that affect how the anoint works.
and can/does a grease trap exploit that?
hmm true, and thanks for clearing that up for me,
and now that we’re on this topic does this thing work with cryo?!
that’s what I really wanna know. it’s not dot and i’m not sure if its always counted as a status, but I know that things that increase status chance and damage affect cryo.
Big nope.