You can use recharger and tenacious defense with 1 hp now

not sure if i will keep TD or just look for a recharger with that anointment
gotta see if the 30% damage are worth it and if the recharger still has the 20 seconds delay
but that anointment is a HUGE buff for moze :slight_smile:

since this build would make me miss out on scrappy which also gives me 30% gun damage now, i will not keep TD^^

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Not sure how good this can be for Moze. If we factor in the time to get in/out of IB, how much time do we actually get the effect?
This annoint could be crazy good for the others VH, thou.

There are already some immortal Amara videos floating out there using a Stop Gap with that anoint.


well, thats the reason, i was not mentioning the stop gap
that would pretty much be a waste of time
but since you only need like 5 seconds, in and out, you still got some time left with the damage boost
and other than that, you can just fully recharge your shield at will

i was expecting that :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t know what they were thinking here. That’s the very first thing people think of with this anointment.

As for the Re-charger I tried it out and it’s a little ruined by having to use IB. I was kind of hoping the 20s cooldown wouldn’t start when you manually proc the recharge. For deathless I suppose it could work but there’s a lot easier ways to sustain, though there’s never too much sustain on deathless.

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For Deathless specs without the Bloodletter COM this annoint should be good with a re-charger as it can make IB a better panic Button by fully recharging your shields, but even then I dont know if it would be worth as IB and FCoWA usually can make this same effect.

the effect is just way too small if you want to jump out immediately

I think Fl4k can also pull off infinite invincibility with his Rakk skill. Not sure what the cooldown on gamma burst / invisibility is but I know the rakk skill is quick

Even worse, the most INTERESTING thing it could work with, like a Roid or Fleet, doesn’t work


because depleted is not after breaking

Tenacious Defence can be reliably activated for Deathless builds with a Frozen Snowshow if you want (as long as you don’t slide into damage and down yourself).

thx for the info :smiley:
but i actually dont have the points to go down to TD xD

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They are gonna have to add a cooldown timer on the stop-gap at this rate.

Also curious on how the frozen heart would work with this effect. Can I just have infinite, instant freeze cryo novas.

Thought it said on depletion not on break.

I’m pretty sure they are the same thing.

You would think, but i guess the only way to tell is to get one to drop.

Break is generally for effects that have an on/off. Nova, damage immunity, recharge.

Depleted is when your shield is down and stays down. Like a Brawler. Break your shield and get the melee buff, get a little bit of shield and you lose the buff.

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Then it might not be constant novas but hopefully least one nova per action skill start.

the stop gap should have a 20 seconds cooldown already
if the cooldown applies for this anointment, its already balanced

The stop gap doesn’t have a cooldown. The last stand relic does tho.