Rakk attack fl4k M10?

Anyone playing a RAKK attack fl4k on M10 and having success? If so I wonder what gear do you use.

Over a 100views and 0 feedback?? WOW this is worst than I thought

Read near the last 10 posts or so to see discussion on M10 rakks. Not really on the gear though. Outlook seems positive.

Yep, Rakk build still alive, well, powerful, and versatile. Still a bit squishy, gear needs to be a bit more specific, and COMs like the Deadeye and Rakk Pakk have become more valuable given the ridiculous increases in health, armor, and shields. You really want rakk slag anointed weapons or the new “300% damage against enemies with more than 90% health” anointment. I am not sure which is better but both are excellent.

I have been posting my thoughts on Rakk build in several threads recently. You can do a search for my user name and find them pretty easily. Hope it helps!

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Look for a ASA Shield Break effect Stop Gap, it can offer some pretty tanky results.