Where/how to farm for O.P.Q. system?

I’ve run through the Villa a thousand times now with all loot boosts I could get and no luck. Does someone know a easy or specific way to farm for it? Thanks!!!

mansion… i have 2 :slight_smile:

it’s rare… just play with the lootsplosion and keep killing things in the mansion.


tRollNG gonna tRollNG

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mansion or carthel thugs. gets 2 on m6 and 0 on m10 for now :wink:

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i got one to drop in the mansion. didnt know what it was, but now its my favorite gun. its random drop i believe.


Update: After several, and I mean SEVERAL attempts, I got one to drop from Josie Byte (which I think is her dedicated drop).

Farming for this thing is hell but boy is it worth it

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that actualy makes sence hahaha…

she can spawn in diffrent places

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Cathedral of the Twin Gods. Not expected and even better because my Fl4k was having some issues. Then, he didn’t have any more. The gun us great.

PS: Love the music and fights there. Was farming for mods/cartel thingies.


Drop from : Josie, Franco firewall, or joey (the boss, joey has all the new event possible drops), into the villa


I have found 2 and both were from end boss in Cartel.

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You can progress to the fountain then save and quit and keep farming the first boss at that door. I got around 6 today.


By the fountain, do you mean on the outside? My method right now is killing my way through the mansion until I find Josie and save/quit!

I got one just before u enter the mansion as well. Quit when u get to vending machine at fountain and restart back at bottom of the cliff.

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Yes. I find it faster rather then going through the other spawns.

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Update cause i got another one to drop. This time i payed attention. Second time it dropped I killed Jimmy Violet. they all dropped legendaries, but he droped that OPQ gun and it is so nice.

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I got one from Franco at the entrance leading indoor mansion. Btw Playing dirty works with the O P Q

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I have run the front entrance 15 times on mayhem 9 and haven’t gotten a single legendary yet


I have ever only pulled 1 OPQ outside the boss fight.

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you can kill everything inside the mansion and reset your game… as long as you do not kill the boss. you can go back and farm the place over and over.

it’s a rare drop… i allready own a few but they are REALY rare… (and the boss has increased chance of dropping it. do with that what you may, either farm the level or farm the boss)

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Like others have said… Cathedral is also a great spot to farm for the OPQ.

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