Mayhem 2.0 Iron Bear in a nutshell

  • buffed Iron Bear via Torgue Cross Promotion and Dakka Bear

  • completely removed Iron Bear via Mayhem 10 sponge enemies forcing every Moze main to run boring infinite ammo builds.

Seriously what were the developers thinking?

For the first time in 800 Moze-hours I have respecced my build into a pure Moze build because Iron Bear just does nothing at this point.

Meanwhile I’m pretty much one shotting enemies using a boring infinite ammo rocket launcher build.

Where is the challenge? Where is the FUN?

Possible solution(s):

  • Let us find/farm Mayhem specific modules for our action skills granting a fixed Action Skill buff that’s relative to the Mayhem level we play.

  • Make Action skills scale with mayhem levels.

  • Add Mayhem variations of class mods that buff action skills to an appropriate power level.

That way new players don’t end up with overpowered action skills right away while experienced players get a realistic OPPORTUNITY to play the way they actually want to play.

I already can melt Mayhem 10 badasses and bosses in seconds using an infinite ammo build and a Mayhem-4 Yellowcake rocket launchet so what makes a Mayhem 10 viable Iron Bear so unBEARable for the developers?


Which launcher is that btw? I haven’t dropped any of the new ones if it’s one of those.

It’s a new COV rocket launcher named I forgot its name but the red text says as much as “I’m a cake kinda guy” (had to translate there as english isn’t my native language). It appears to be a rocket launcher that comes only in radiation and has some serious potential as thw projectile splits into multiple projectiles allowing for multi-crits.

Yellow cake.


Surely if you just want to annihilate everything in iron bear, just turn mayhem down a few levels?

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I’m running bear through m10, but Moze does the killing… Bear is still my escape vehicle and multi handed backup. I don’t really care how tough it is. Masochistic Grinder so there will be no respec :smiley:

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We had the best 2 weeks of a close to OP IB…thanks GBX for taking away our big bear again :frowning:


Or the developers could just… Hmm let me think… Balance their game?

You know how long it took me to destroy Mayhem 10 bosses using a Mayhem 4 rocket launcher from the new event? ONE day of playtime.

You know how long it took me to get god roll Iron Bear class mods? WEEKS of daily grinding - WEEKS.


Yes Because if The ONE action skill the character has is bad we should just play normal… =.= No offense but by this logic we need to revert all buffs to everyone and even nerf then just play on normal mode XD If something is bad in a higher difficulty it should be buffed to work not ignored


What kind of response is that? I mean… how about just balancing a characters main action skill so you dont have to dumb down the difficulty?

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There are millions of players with different wants and needs, so there has to be a choice in difficulty, and I think that’s what gearbox try to do.

I enjoy a challenge, so playing around m7-8 for me is a rewarding epic battle that involves using the environment, tactics, your playing partner etc.

I understand you saying about the balance, because IB feels to weak compared to Some of the OP guns, but it’s impossible to please everybody.

Why would it be impossible to scale / balance IB for the new mayhem levels?

It is possible to scale IB to the levels, but I don’t see the point. Every level would feel identical.

“What are IB’s arms used for in Mayhem level 10?”

I wish I could sit next to the Moze devs and ask this question

Which is EXCELLENT. Not three, not four, but MOTHAFUCKINGTEN levels of difficulty, so many that it would make torgue proud. It is so diverse now that everyone can tune their own level of challenge.

…but where does it said that you can use your class to the fullest only at the lower difficulty levels? Why is it that I can’t use my action skill if I decide that MH7 is too easy for me and I want to be challenged more?

It does not make any sense. EVERY SINGLE ASPECT of your class has to be balanced and usable regardless of the difficulty that you select.
Otherwise you did a crappy job.


When it comes to Borderlands, the action skills (plus the skill trees) are what set the different vault hunters apart from each other and help distinguish their differing identities. And one of the advantages of actions skills (for most vault hunters but not all) is that they’re a way of bolstering their power and potential in a less gear-dependent manner.

When Iron Bear got buffed with the recent series of hotfixes, it was a huge deal for Moze not just for the fact alone that Bear was more powerful than ever before and had more options due to the reduced deficit between using the strongest weapons vs using the action skill, but because it elevated Moze’s value as a vault hunter - she had an action skill that’s arguably less gear-dependent than any other in BL3 and it suddenly was a viable option for tackling and clearing any content including TTD. You couldn’t clear TTD inside Bear as fast as staying outside and using the best guns on offer, but that was the sweet spot right there - you’ve got a strong action skill to fall back on and complete the tasks at hand even if you’re lacking on the gear front or farming for it.

So when Gearbox released Mayhem 2.0, they did so knowing full well that health, shield and armour bars can be as high as +12,500% and yet did nothing to scale any character’s action skills in accordance. Now that deficit between top tier loot and the character’s action skills (at least as far as Iron Bear is concerned) has not only returned, but it’s bigger than ever before.

To tweak your own game to that extent even by accident is not only a serious design flaw, it’s also inexcusable. Yet they decided to intentionally do it which screams incompetence. When you intentionally make a character’s action skill weaker (when it wasn’t overpowered to begin with) or do nothing to balance it in varying degrees of difficulty, you not only degrade the character’s unique identity and abilities, but you’re also shitting on one of the core tenets that constitutes Borderlands as we know and love it.


Pretty lame excuse when scaling would only improve EVERYONE’S experience. We’ve universally been begging for it since launch. If you don’t care then fine, no one can make you care about something you don’t care about, but hand waving away of the issue is also short sighted on your part since you’re signaling that you’re OK with parts of you character being left to rot for arbitrary reasons.


Only use for me is for target softening (+trigger some for the road for some Yellowcake spam :smiley:)

I confess I’m a little bit confused by this, and I’m starting to believe that these issues are a result of different teams, working on different things, that are not properly communicating with each other.

I’m not sure how, after a month of hotfixes intended to make Iron Bear more well-rounded in M4, we end up again with Iron Bear being barely usable in higher difficulties. I’m playing M10 at the moment (for testing for the Top Gear guide), but I feel I have every reason to play a lower difficulty, where Moze is more fun, and not to play on higher difficulties.


im convinced im never going to experience shredding enemies with iron bear’s fists :confused: that was the build i was looking the most forward too pre-release. its never been viable ever

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