Lucky 7 and Iron Bear interaction

I have a lucky 7 with the 125% bonus incendiary damage for two magazines after getting out of iron bear annointment on it. I used to be able to reload until I get the lucky 7 bonuses I want, than get in/out of iron bear to trigger the anointment bonuses on it, however after the patch, getting into iron bear seems to reset my lucky 7 bonuses? My 7 shot crit bonus always turns into a one shot bonus after getting out of iron bear.

Yeah - I was totally bummed to see this myself, and no mention of it in the patch notes. Let’s hope it’s a glitch to be patched eventually. It more or less ruined my preferred Moze build, and I have to work around it by not using Iron Bear in tough situations, or “fall back” with Kyb’s Worth and the Cutsman.