Is 200 ASA better than 100 cyro on Zane?

I’m learning towards no, but some calculations would be nice. Because it absolutely opens up my dream build now: Barrier/Clone.

I would think it would depend on the gun and the enemy healthbar type. For anything that generates extra projectiles adding cryo is likely still better and combinations like rad with cryo work well on all defenses.

For thing like Graveward where you only really want fire or wotans shields where you only want shock I’d say definitely the 200 ASA. I think sntnl cryo on redistributor for example, but 200 ASA on a cutsman.

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You’re now doing triple damage as opposed to double, and you don’t have to worry about cryo resistance so it’s definitely going to be my new annoint

You very likey don’t.
200% ASA will likely be additive (meaning that only at 0% extra additive damage you will be doing triple damage) while 100% cryo is basically double damage.
100% bonus damage which is easiy achievable with Zane nowadays should be the breaking point without any other multiplicative bonuses (ASE ele damage, new class mod, skill bonus).
So far a standard Zane who is having about 200 to 250% bonus damage without a lot of multiplicative bonuses, Cryo should be better by a noticable margin.
Now a CCC build with the latest Class mod adding 50% bonus shock damage will likely be better with the 200% bonus and might get close to the damage a standard build can dish out, even though additive weapon bonus is lower).
Edit: Should also be a good amount better on builds constantly exploding the clone to trigger ASE on shield and and grenade (which is just a pita to use).


Good to hear Cryo is still probably better. I didn’t really want to lose the cold damage because its good in a lot of cases.

I was wondering if Zane’s skills mostly all giving Weapon damage would make this annointment worse for him.

I’m currently also using Pearl of Ineffable Knowledge but for the same reason, might the Icebreaker Victory Rush be better?

The thing I don’t like about the new ASA 200 is that it only activates when an action skill starts. As soon as you switch weapons it’s over. With Zane’s infinite action skills it means you have to use that same weapon without switching. It sucks it works differently than the card says.


In that case the question would be if action skill reset via CCC would count as action skill start.

OK if that’s the case I’m sticking to sntnl cryo.

It is the case Thiccfila made a video on 200 ASA and sntnl cryo is much better

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Unless of course the particular enemy has a resistance to cryo.

Not sure why this “while health is below 50% deal 150% bonus radiation damage” annoinment isn’t getting more talk. Put on a Front Loader and it’s active all the time.


aIl rad when 50% does less than 100 more like 90-80 somewhere
I was posting in bug report pc about dmg numbers.

Im sick of the cards not doing what they say far as the radiation one goes*

When all the maths down. The cryo is an extra hit and extra bullet. So its better in that regard But now zane clone build with shield no sentinel is viable. Im Using a 3x pew pew and getting 700ks towards the end of the clip Using shield and clone.

So. Im finally happy. I personally dont want to use sntnl.

Its basically the same dmg. Just forever clone n shield build can compete now.

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Seems to work completely fine.
Checked your post and you had a fire weapon. Fire does have a bonus of 1.75 vs flesh. Divide your fire damage by 1.75 and then multiply it by 1.5 (150% bonus damage , Radiation does not have a bonus or malus against flesh) and your test would just confirm that elemental damage will based on 1x damage without elemental bonuses/maluses (78k / 1.75 * 1.5 = 67k).

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I just found a hyperfocus with this I can’t wait to try a silly build out with that! Or mabye pair it with a deathless artifact :crazy_face:

Oh so thats how it works then on the dummy? Didnt know it was flesh. Thanks. Will delete tbat post then.

I got a front loader with the 15% sntl movement anointment and I am using that with a cutpurse that gives 20% extra radiation damage, 50% magazine size and 10% movement speed. Currently using a sand hawk (m10), opq (m6) and arctic night hawking (M10) with this anointment and a yellow cake (m6) with the 300% anointment. I am ripping through M10 so far. Would be nice to sub the night hawking with a redistributor, but I haven’t tried the takedown yet in m10. Might have to turn off the event so my sanity isn’t tested with all the extra spawns. If your barrier and shield go down you are dead with this build, but I have found I don’t die too often with Zane (except out my own stupid use of the opq). I think it’s a good alternative to the sntl cryo anointment.

forgot to do that and it was so intense lol.

with a few upgrades, the takedown was certainly no harder than at m4, just that the bosses took a tad longer. used a non elemental kasoon with the 300 anointment for most of it and a non anointed corrosive cutsman for the bosses along with a non anointed brainstormer for when i wanted to cheese my action skills to refill via seein dead.

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