What is the new meta Moze mod?

I am assuming that we can safely kick Sapper, Raging Bear, Bear Trooper and Rocketeer out of equation, which leaves us with Blast Master, Green Moster, Mind Sweeper, and Bloodletter. What do you think is the best mod for Moze with the new patch coming up?

I would still go with BM and probably GM. I used BM in M10 and it works fine.

I’m liking Mind Sweeper. It was already considered very good right up there with BM and GM, but now we can get even more splash and not worry about reloading.


Considering they made Iron bear useless again with Mayhem 10 the Meta’s probably boring infinite-ammo-anointment-grenade-Moze with Blast Master or Green Monster AKA hold the fire button till you fall asleep.


This still mostly holds up (meta guide)

Only go for a single PtHP point and 5/5 vamp with your mod points in Blast Master. Get 5/5 TCP.

Enemies feel hardly different than 1.0 M4.

MS you’ll want to move some points around.


I haven’t had time to play yet, but I’m thinking Mindsweeper will scale the best over time the higher base damage becomes.

I’m thinking splash damage in TCP will be a game changer for MA builds too.

that plus it really helps at chunking through those extra girthy bois.

This would benefit Blast Master more (and has so far).

Very large splash boosts would let MS take the throne from Blast Master maybe, but still has the inconsistency issue for most of the player base.

There’s a point where the base damage gets large enough that it’s enough to start aiming for proc chances instead because when a crit chain occurs it will be overwhelming.

Might take another level cap increase or two to get there though.

Mindsweeper gets a big boost from fire rate buffs.

I don’t think Mind Sweeper nades are even close to being strong enough we can start moving to guns that do less damage to try and proc more nades. Especially M10 enemies. Level increase or not I don’t see MS ever reaching that point. But also, Blast Master has furthered the gap so far on every level/gear increase.

Have you messed with a meta Blast Master build? It’s melting m10 like a walk on the park. I think people move over to MS out of boredom and forget just how strong Blast Master is.

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I think a Mindsweeper with +1 Redistribution / +4 TCP with splash+weapon damage rolls is going to be the best COM for moze… assuming:

  • You max out TCP for a total of 9/5
  • You max out Vampyr
  • You use guns that let you crit but also keep a safe distance

This way you’re getting ~80% splash damage (vs 100% from blast master) from TCP + COM rolls, still get healing from Vampyr, and now you get micronades


That’s not a properly fair comparison. You only gave Blast Master the base splash boost from the com. You forgot to add gear splash and TCP.

MS is great, but Blast Master is still better by a lot. The best thing is TCP is only half annoying now. It’s the best and worst skill combined.


I’ll second that. I keep accidentally downing myself with guns that have relatively small splash diameters. I suppose it is just a matter of adjusting, but I’m afraid to touch the Nukem in the meantime.

One minor thing that can help is using the Pearl. You get a big damage boost, and you don’t have AoE on it to increase radius even further.

I’m trying to see the glass as half full here.

The AOE roll increases radius as well?

Yeah it does

Ah – that would explain it.

That’s true.

Maybe the minesweeper isn’t strictly better than the BlastMaster but with how spongy M10 enemies are I can see more people using minesweeper for those crit chains to burst down enemies quicker. For me it’s at least #2 and potentially tied w/ BlastMaster

I’d say with weaker gear / builds mind sweeper might excel over Blast Master because you can get those chains.

But with proper meta gear blast master whoops.

It will depend what gear you have and how well you out your build together with that gear. I still think BM will be easier to use for almost everyone.


Agreed. Tried both yesterday and this morning. Blast Master is all around easier/more consistent to use.

Mind Sweeper puts in good work, no doubt, especially if you aren’t using a weapon with innate splash damage. Clairvoyance is a great example.