Why can't you tell mayhem levels of guns?

Title pretty much says it all. OP levels were right there but now it’s just a guessing game which level something is in the later levels especially.


They may have left an indicator out because it looks like mayhem-guns have no equipping restrictions like BL2 OP guns did… but yeah, it would be kinda nice to have some idea other than the stats being higher.


yeah, haven’t realy had a chance to compare my old items to the new ones…

farming freddy and i’ll see if i can drop an auto aim to compare to pre-2.0

They are not dropping for a great deal of people m10 drops are worse than no mayhem


ok dropped a transforme shield… appart from the anointment 100% the same thing as the one i allready had… (old M4 shield compared to M10 one)

auto aim damage increase though…
(not going to bother putting in everything this is just to compare a bit)
old M4 damage -> 2573
new M10 damage -> 7073

nothing noting it’s M10 weapon though…

hope/wish they would make them scale though… (weapon scales down to mayhem level)

well, seems like the grinding we did the last few weeks turned out to be useless like we said :slight_smile:


Near as I can tell so far, only guns are getting increased stats. Grenades and shields are dropping with the same level 57 stats as before Mayhem 2.0.

I do wish there were some indication on the gun as to what “level” it is supposed to be. A mayhem indicator would help, although I could see complications down the road if they ever choose to raise the level cap beyond 57. How would a Mayhem 5 level 57 gun compare to a Mayhem 0 level 62 gun? For that matter, I’m sure there are current players who haven’t yet reached level 57 but have finished Normal game mode. How would their Mayhem 3 level 54 gun compare to a Mayhem 0 level 57 gun?

Indeed, I wonder if a Mayhem 2.0 gun has an underlying level that is just additive of the character level plus Mayhem level. I suppose the level of the gun needs to stay tied to the level of the character. A level 57 gun cannot be equipped by a level 54 character, even if a 54 Mayhem 3 had the same stats as a level 57 Mayhem 0.


Mahyem level on the side of weapons name is really important… For example, just to remember which weapons I have changed, to decide if I’m ready to level up difficulty.


It’s def a mind blowing thing to leave out IMHO. Bet they did it so people wouldn’t notice how you still CONSTANTLY get low mayhem level weapons on higher mayhems.


This is a good read on how mayhem level guns work:

Thank you. As it happens, I ran across this earlier today and it confirmed my suspicions on how this was working. I do wish they would label the guns better. “57M6”, for example, would tell me that it is a level 63 gun that can be equipped by a level 57 character.

They’ll probably release a patch or hotfix soon correcting that

This is compounded when comparing different weapons as item scores often poorly reflect the value of an item. Add in extra storage, no true filtering, limited ways to mark items, limited character-specific storage, and no armory/loadout manager. Trying to sort gear and find that one gun that you used before, is very difficult.

Giving us a bit more information so we can sort loot and find what we need faster, would be great.


These changes are a nightmare unless you are just going straight from the old M4 directly to M10. Then the dmg difference is enough of an indicator to tell the difference…making it easier to just vendor the lower version.

However, if you are staging your leveling to M10…what a nightmare. No search option. Poor sorting options. Meaningless item score that doesn’t really distinguish between guns well if at all. No mayhem markers on gear. It’s sort of giving me a headache and making me want to just log out. I wish game devs actually played the games they make so they would use some common f*ing sense for some of this stuff.


I don’t know about you, but I’m on Xbox and my user experience (UX) is vastly different from the streamers on PCs. So it’s possible that the devs play, but not on consoles where we don’t have K/M and access to hotkeys, macros, and generally faster everything.

I was trying to compare a shield in my inventory with various ones in my bank. Utter nightmare. I finally just had to dump them all in my inventory and compare them that way. Simple logic would suggest that if I’m comparing a shield, I probably don’t want to have to scroll through 90% of my bank slots to get to the first shield. Simple stuff like this.

Things I want in upcoming QOL fixes:

  • Filter by class (COMs and anoints)
  • Filter by element (damage and or protection)
  • Filter by specific weapon, so I can compare all Maggies.
  • Keyword search and filter, so I can find anything that affects “reload speed” or “action skill cool down”
  • Armory/Load-outs, so I can more easily swap gear for different builds or runs. Ideally this would be tied to skill load-outs too, but that’s a separate fight.
  • Customizable partitions for the bank so I can easily sort gear by character, but still be able to look to total inventory options.
  • More tag for items, like a “No-really, my favorite” so I can’t drop it/trade it/store it by accident.
  • Better trading interface and more than 4 slots (on top of fixing the trading bug for splitscreen).

There’s probably more, but this is just want I think should have come in the base game.

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There is already a built in system for this, so not sure why you guys want some weird Mayhem level display…just have the item score of the gun increase.
Its in the top left corner and should represent total rolled stats and annoinments. So if gun damage goes up, then that Item Score should go up as well. I understand its not at the moment but these ideas of putting an extra label ‘M’ or something on the side is kinda useless when we have a system already.

TBH the scoring system in this game is absolutely horrendous and holds no sway over how good a weapon is EVEN BEFORE mayhem levels were introduced so wanting something that is actually representative of a guns stats over something that has failed since launch doesn’t seem that far fetched to me personally :confused:


I never pay attention to an item’s score or sort items by score in inventory/etc… I don’t know of anyone who does actually. Serious, honest question: does anyone here pay attention to it? Genuinely curious heh.

That would actually be a decent place to put an indicator that it’s a mayhem-tier gun and honestly, just left blank if it’s not.

I get the idea of damage output having a greater impact on score, but just having an indicator there would be a much quicker way of determining if a weapon is a higher level than comparing two weapons’ scores… you’re still having to stop, open inventory, compare two numbers… might as well just be doing what we’re doing now and just compare weapon damage values.

Item score serves no purpose to me other than the amount of parts it has on a gear. Really a bad feature and feels like it don’t get me to inspect to view the gun parts entirely.

Never understood the scoring system really. Best guns can come in lower score than their high counterpart

Yeah there are far too many intangibles. What works for one character and one build might be trash for a different character, etc. Stuff like that can’t be accounted for in a number that’s simply generated from an item’s parts.

Found a thread on Reddit that says that some weapons are now showing the Mayhem level on gun drops. But most still aren’t. Link to the thread here: https://www.reddit.com/r/borderlands3/comments/g8gc2j/not_sure_if_glitch_or_they_actually_fixed_to_show/