Our pets still suck this patch

Stackbot won’t reset on DoTs, Lick the Wounds gives pet damage, and Ambush Predator is finally getting an icon.

That’s it. No pet buffs, no mention of scaling for abilities, no changes to our skills.

Just WTF GB?

Can someone go in game once the patch drops and see if pets scale. I wouldn’t put it past GB to not include that in the patch notes. Otherwise, I’m done.


GBX has to make the rounds. They are only balancing one VH at a time. First it was Zane, now Moze, next they’ll likely look at Fl4k.

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I think next is fl4k. They did zane and now moze so it only makes sense fl4k is next. They are oviously listening with these moze buffs so i think pateince is key.

Why the heck should this take 6 months? Since Noelle confirmed in the thread that there is no scaling for abilities, we’ve essentially been nerfed if they rebalance Mayhems 1-3.

We. Got. Nerfed. Pet builds. The, Without a Doubt, absolute weakest build in the game, got nerfed.

This would be like nerfing pre buff Cloud Kill

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I know it sucks, Pet build is the only reason I have a lvl 57 Fl4k, but their time will come. It’s just unfortunate it takes a few months for each VH to be balanced.

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Slightly different note about your OP.

St4ckbot doesn’t reset one DoT’s, how about the other 97 things that caused it to reset?

No intent to derail your rant though, it’s very deserved.

Sorry Flak mains. I feel your pain though I’m a Moze main :rofl:


I know, I’m trying not to blow my top completely but I had that same question.

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Someone please record a run using pets on Mayhem 3 before this patch hits so people can actually see what well scaled pet damage looks like before this catastrophe hits. I would do it myself but I’ve got another 3 hours at work…

I’m flabbergasted. How long can they keep this up? I basically read through the entire patch notes, thinking, “Is this for Fl4k’s pets? No. Is this for Fl4k’s pets? No.” What. Are. They. Thinking? Grr… I guess my utter refusal to play Fl4k must continue. Honestly, Fl4k pet builds was one of the things which originally convinced me to buy the game and we still don’t have them working properly. C’mon Gearbox!


I don’t know why I’m hoping, but the only thing that’s keeping me going is that they may just be bullshitting about the scaling. They do stealth buffs and we know it, there is plenty of stuff that isn’t in the hotfixes that finds its way into the game. That’s all we can hope for at this point.

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Buddy, I think we just have to accept we’re gonna have to wait longer. They wouldn’t keep buffing Fl4k’s pets secret :man_shrugging:

What the hell was the point of “continuing to update the game” if ■■■■ that sucked 6 months ago still sucks or sucks worse? Why would they make a Beastmaster with terrible pets knowing how much people loved the previous pet classes and how much we were looking forward to this class?

Do they have any idea what made their previous games fun, or do they just not give a ■■■■ anymore?

I see why people are so sick of seeing “we’re looking into it”. I know it’s not Noelle’s fault if she has nothing to report, but it’s such a ■■■■■■■ non-answer that it just annoys me to see it at this point.

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Well at least I don’t have to play now see you all next week maybe we will get some pet changes then or not.

Some people aren’t going to like this, but it’s up to modders to fix this situation. I’m happy to mod a pet focused COM. Just tell me what stat boosts you would like to see. I think each COM can be modded with up to 50-60 skill points.

Just tested, our pet’s damage doesn’t scale, AND mayhem scaling was adjusted. Mayhem 3 is now Mayhem 1 in terms of enemy health (200% increase).

They really did it. They nerfed pet builds and buffed Fade Away. I don’t even know what to say anymore…

So pet builds, at best, are Mayhem 1 ready?

They should be. Attack command builds should still work at the same level for M4, though they’re definitely capped there.