Been seeing talk about it, don’t like it. Main reason i’m even playing on console, gearbox gunna do anything about it?
I sure hope so, I wasn’t too stoked to hear they figured out how to make it happen. I like co-op, but joining people or having people join with broken modded gear is something I don’t miss a bit from the older games.
I seen some screenshots on one of the BL clubs on XBL. Yeah they are out there
Know your parts and possible rolls for items to know that you aren’t picking up modded gear.
Is there any way to know gear you’ve traded for is modded? I’d rather not use modded gear and give up my own finds for modded gear when trading
In theory every godroll mod you’ve got from a trade could be modded, if the weapon looks legit but feels to strong check out the parts. For instance I’ve seen a cutsman with a barrel that increased status damage, that doesn’t roll on a cutsman.
But how did you know that doesn’t roll on a cutsman? Where can I learn whats guns can roll
These modded weapons are starting to be much easier to find. They are ruining matchmaking IMO. Just ppl speedrunning everything eviscerating everything in their path.
Not a fan.
I would like to see a chart of possible legitimate rolls on items as well.
Categorizing it would be a chore though.
The only sources I’ve had are some breakdowns and the guns I get to drop as reference.
I’ve seen research back up the claim a few times the cutsman barrel is tied to melee, there are only two variations for damage ontop of that. I stumbled on this cutsman at level 50, comparing myself to the meta i saw a content creator’s rakk Pak build and the comments caught my eye. Nobody could get the same cutsman as him, infact the Lyuda looked sketchy to me as a user of them, when someone accused him of modding he stated the barrel boosted DOT and that he got it from a trade apologized if it modded. I totally believe he was unaware of this and thought he was showing the finest tuned version of the build that was obtainable as all god Kings do.
If I was going to guess I’d see if Dr strange or Prisma knowledge, something like those names, may either have worked on a list or be aware of one if there is one. They seems to be some of the numbers guys from what I’ve seen, robo economist or hurdygurdy may also know since they’ve seemed to do alot of research into any weapon that has splash or could have a hidden perk for Moze hurdy made the splash weapon list if I’m not mistaken I’ll have to double-check. this forum has alot of surprising resources hidden in threads.