Why is all my moze builds not working?

so i have tried so hard. with cookie cutter builds from youtube to reddit i have tried so hard to do my own but nothing and i mean NOTHING seems to work very good. even with new anointment .

is there some key thing i am missing . 600 bullets from a 1200 dps smg to only take a shield down and maybe half a life bar on a normal creep on M4 seems like a lot and thats not even counting dps ticks for elements.

i never made it through the new DLC on M4 normal mode let alone TVM i’ve gone back to base story TVM M4 and the struggle not to die has me so stressed.

everything i have tried on moze so far has been a big flop soon as i get 3 enemy’s throw any named or badass in and ya moze dies without any cover to duck behind.

iron bear can only manage to stay alive if you have rocket pod’s equip so it can heal from the talents.

not that i mean to rant but is there anything i can do that matters or is bottomless mags and vampire grenade spam the only possible way to keep her alive and not run out of bullets?


this is the best build i’ve been able to get to work for me currently

guns are: synergized Oldridion consecutive hits, The Lob corrosive, Shocking Trained Soulrender 125% incendiary after IB, shredifier 75% incendiary while autobear.

mod is green monster, relic Otto idol 80% corrosive. with assalt rifle and splash, grenade is a maddening tracker. and sheild is a flash charging stop-gap.

Vampyr is her only life steal outside of sapper COM.
I’ve personally been fine with most builds I’ve tried.
I’ve been playing Moze since the launch and have never been a fan pf bloodletter, but have been able to keep up with a Fl4k even with GITM prepatch.
My personnal build uses BM and DW with a Sapper COM and a Dictator, and I’m able to do TTD TVHM M4 solo.

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care to give me a run down of what your set ups looks like ? cause im pretty desperate to find something that works better than what i got

I’ve been using an incendiary/splash damage build with a blastmaster com lately

Incendiary soulrender
Shock/Incendiary Legendary shotgun I cant remember the name of atm. Was recently added in the DLC
The sniper rifle we got from the valentines event. I haven’t found something I want to replace it with yet despite being lower level. It still hits extremely hard
Corrosive Scourge
Purple cloning, mirv, tracking, grenade that bounces and explodes 3 times
Transformer shield.
Otto Idol

I’ve been melting just about everything I come across in M4 in no time at all. However I blow myself up at times if things manage to get too close.

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my problem mostly with my current build if they get close

I run a vladof allegiance moze using iron bear the relic doesn’t matter the rolls on the relic do so a must for this build on any relic is area of affect damage oh the only bad relic is deathless as this is not a low hp build I also run the m4 com you get from Billy the anointed preferred roll on the com weapon damage if you can using most of the green tree and blue as it uses iron bear for the tougher mobs plus 6 points in the orange tree 1 to give iron bear his shield the others in the talent to the right of it forget the name sorry

*edit I use unmodified vanquisher rocket pods for more control over my rockets but explosive mini gun is also a good choice as my build runs vampyr and pull the holy pin both maxed I run stainless steel bear grizzled and deadlines all three maxed as when I hit a large section of bad asses on m4 tvhm I hop into iron bear and shot stomp them lol

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Basically the blue tree: everything on the left then auto bear, and your choice of stainless steel bear or torgue cross promotion. I recommend stainless. Torgue will kill you.
Green tree: anything that boost damage and mag size. Scrappy isn’t worth it IMO.
Then run a Sapper COM and a vladof assault rifle I recommend the Dictator as it’s DPS is the highest and you will only die when you reload but getting up is easy as long as enemies don’t back pedal.
Any extra points go where you feel bc it doesn’t matter.
I’d recommend a life adding shield as it will always be down. Any other gear is whatever you like as a high damage and fire rate weapon will keep you going.
I’ve gotten this build to work with most non-legendary vladof weapons I just can’t face tank like a Dictator.
For the annointment anything you like works.
Grenade I use is a cheddar shredder for the cash.
This build will let you also make a fairly good raging bear or blast master.
I’d like to have drowning in brass for the boost but that’s better on a Blast Master.

I’d post pics on my build and the two important items I use but on xbox using my phone to take photos lol and I can’t work out how add pictures to my posts -.-

easy if using android you just have it back up in the photos app and hit share with link.

[quote=“Anarchy4ever, post:7, topic:4493103”]
Basically the blue tree: everything on the left then auto bear, and your choice of stainless steel bear or torgue cross promotion. I recommend stainless. Torgue will kill you.
Green tree: anything that boost damage and mag size.
[/quote] ok so something like this ? https://bl3skills.com/gunner/#501310055113053030531500010130000000000


This is what I have more or less.

ok ill give the build a go just need to farm a sapper but not sure where to get it.

new DLC. what system are you on?

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ps4 :slight_smile:

And I run this through the browser lol what’s the app for this?

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you have a browser for this to you could use on your phone for my android the app is just called photos and has a picture of a pinwheel

oh I got that part done Samsung s20 lol but it wants an app to share with can’t find the browser option

hmm you can download the chrome app and use it

lol such a hassle thanks might already have that app

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