[Build] Moze the Invincible (Sapper+Sitorak)

Moze’s recent buffs made Iron Bear definitely a presence you cannot ignore so easily. And because what makes Iron Bear can also make Moze herself powerful([Guide] Short Fuse - Analysis and Breakdown), I decided to construct a build where both Moze herself and the Iron Bear can be utilized to near perfection.

First let’s look at the skill set.(https://bl3skills.com/gunner/#504310155110150330531501010100000000000)

So it’s basically Infinite Ammo + Explooooooosions. The reason I took these two are simple.

-Sapper Moze are basically dead when she’s not shooting, which is to say, reloading. So we need to minimize the need to reload to be invincible. So we are taking the Bottomless Mags tree.

-Because Moze’s invincibility is 99% thanks to Sapper, her shield is busted about 70% of the playtime. So I couldn’t ignore the feeling that so much of the skill points we use on the Shield of Retribution tree are completely wasted. Even though Railgun and Desperate Measures are such charming skills, I simply couldn’t fit in all the skills I need. So instead I gave up the orange tree entirely, except only the Security Bear.

The Security Bear allows the IB to be hella lot bulkier, and also provides Moze a safety zone for a short time when she jumps out of the IB. It may not look like much, but it’s a 1 point 1 tier skill. All it costs to use this skill is -1 points from Matched Set, which really doesn’t make much difference if it’s 4 or 5. It’s definitely worth a point, believe me.

-So this brings us to the Demolition Woman tree. The Auto Bear, Vampyr, and Short Fuse are all awesome skills that go perfectly with the Sapper class mod. And because Iron Bear buff passives also powers up Short Fuse, this was evidently the best choice since my goal was to maximize both IB and Moze.

Next is the gear.

I must say I didn’t use a huge variety of weapons, mainly because I was able to beat True Takedown just with 4 elemental Redistributions. All of them are Consecutive hits anointments, but +125% damage anointments are just as great. To be honest, any gun with enough mag size and good fire rate is the right gear for Moze. Shreddifier, Warlord, Faisor? Why not? Soul Render? Yes please! Hyperfocus? Just as good as Redistributor. Grab a gun you want, and never stop shooting.

For the Relic it’s the Pearl. Of course. You’re looking at a non-stop firing build, what did you expect?

As for the shield, this is where it gets interesting.

I have tried almost all the so-called ‘good’ shields, including the obvious Transformer, BBB, ReCharger to some insane choices like the Frozen Snowshoe or Rough Rider, Adrenaline Initiative, and so on. All did its job, but none seemed to hit the spot. Then I came across this beauty.

Band of Sitorak with the right parts provide extra health for both Moze and IB, increased damage and fire rate plus mobility, one of the key weakness of Moze. This was the shield I was looking for. It doesn’t harm Moze’s survivability, makes IB a LOT bulkier, gives her extra firepower, and enables her to run faster. This thing was really the perfect choice for this build.

The low shield’s con is perfectly supplemented by the insane healing of Sapper plus Vampyr plus IB’s support, and Moze can benefit with literally every trait this shield has. This is seriously awesome, and I highly recommend picking this up.

One of the main pros of this setting is that you can change the direction of Moze simply by switching the Class Mod and shield. You want to use IB as main? Grab a Raging Bear Mod with Deadline bonus. You want to melt bosses faster? Set Green Monster or Blast Master plus Stop-Gap, and you’re good to go. Though it may not be good as a perfectly setted build, it gives you an insane pool of choice without having to run to Sanctuary and use a fortune to reset the skill points.

However there are, of course, cons for this build. Because we are not using the Blast Master, Mind Sweeper, or Green Monster which all gives HUGE dealing potential to Moze, Sapper Moze is significantly weak in firepower compared to other Moze builds(though believe me, I did my damnest best to bring out the firepower as much as I could). And that is why I took my time to make the skill setting be as compatible to different builds, as I mentioned a second ago.

The main focus of this Sapper build is its stability and utility. As long as you are shooting something, and throwing grenades and using IB at the right timing if you can’t find a target, you can guarantee survival in almost any circumstances. Because your firepower is weaker, it might take some more time killing mobs, but you won’t be seeing FFYL everytime you make the smallest mistake. I can guarantee that this is definitely one of the bulkiest build in the entire game, so you must understand you have sacrificed dealing perspective to a certain extent. I crushed the mayhem 4 True Takedown with only Redistributor, so I would say it’s definitely worth the risk.

I’m always open for improvements, so don’t hesitate sharing your ideas. Hope you have fun blowing things up next to your Iron Bears!


While awesome, the Band of Sitorak has a bug where it’s bonus damage while depleted stacks every time the shield breaks in one hit. Which is often.

It’s unfortunate because as you’ve figured, it’s the perfect shield for a hybrid Moze build.
Using it is currently considered a touch cheesy.

Mayhem 2.0 may be so hard that this ends up being a legitimate tactic. But we won’t know until it drops. In the meantime let’s hope it gets fixed next patch so we can use this awesome shield without feeling guilty.

Yes, I am aware of this bug. I too hope it will be fixed :slight_smile:

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I was wondering why so many people were looking for weak versions of that shield. :laughing:

Can this manually be stacked by Zane with his Infiltrator COM (shield break on action skill activation)? Asking for a friend. :stuck_out_tongue:

This is basically the same skill tree I’ve been using with the sapper lately as well (though I took click click and balance my mag size around it).

I hate how sapper works, but there’s no denying how face tanking it makes you.

I’ve not tried that. It’s possible that it would work.

On topic, I am looking for a way to use the Sapper. My Torgue rep had a go at it, but she’s built around Shield of Retribution/Bloodletter/Deathless, and it just isn’t a good fit for that build (as mentioned above: need to be able to sustain weapon fire for that to work).

My Vladof rep is going to have a look at this here momentarily. She has several weapons that can be fired indefinitely with her build for working this COM. I think I can avoid (most of anyway) the Band of Sitorak stack bugs by using an on-level one so it’s not broken with one shot.

Is that bug where shield modifiers triggered by the ‘on break’ event stack upon one-hit depletion unique to the Band of Sitorak, or is it present on any shield with on-break modifiers (like Roid, Fleet, Adrenaline, etc.)?

Also, is the timing of the “up to 12%” on the Sapper about the same as the timing of the “greater the [corrosive damage] bonus” from the Green Machine or the “more splash damage” from the Blast Master? :thinking:

Any shield with a while depleted bonus.

The BoS inherently cannot achieve this (without capacity boosts), the reason it’s usually referred to as the Band of Sitorak bug is because even at level 57 it very consistently stacks. Due to low capacity (rarely takes less than one hit to break) and super fast recharge rate/delay.

However if you can up your BoS capacity to like 6k or a little higher, it basically makes the shield impossible to exploit consistently enough that unless we consider all depletion bonus shields an exploit, I think you’re good to go.

A point in TRL usually works (especially if you have healthy on your BoS), a +3k shield bonus stat, 4 or 5 points in Vladof Ingenuity, or the Lunacy Relic. Lunacy pretty much completely destroys the BoS though. But I’ve sometimes ran my BoS up to 15k and it’s one of the best shields in the game.

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Yes, that is correct! The bug can be prevented mostly by using 50+ level shield. However during really intense boss fights(like True takedown Wotan) it untentionally stacks, and that I can’t do much sadly.

If you get a dot at all, you can keep the stacks down. My Amara used one and because she constantly got dotted, the stacks would disappear. Because taking a tiny hit that doesn’t break the shield will fix it.

I literally jumped into burning sticks in Lectra City to make sure I was clean.

I use a red suit now.

Haha that’s also true, as long as the dot hits the shield first. Problem is when your shield is already gone (almost always cause it’s a sitorak) and the dot hits your health. I wish they’d give it a real fix, but I have a feeling the upcoming patch will do that.

Aside from that, I really like that this build took the weakness of the Sapper and built around it to make it stronger. That’s impressive.


Green Monster is 12 or 13 or whatever seconds (I forget now sorry)

Blast Master is 50 seconds – Not need to be firing, timer starts on reload or loading into the game

Sapper is while firing, and there is no time/life steal limit. It just ramps up and up and up and up

and up and up and up and up…

Awkward. Still, eyeballing my stuff, I’m looking at, “well, if I’m going to run on a broken shield, what other benefits might be a hoot?” The Loop of 4N631 (cooldown while depleted), or a Rico (80% bullet reflection chance while depleted) come to mind. :thinking:

I haven’t really used this shield, and as I look at the stats, I see a little over a thousand for the capacity. It was probably meant to trigger often. I never considered that it’s the only shield that I’ve noticed with a recharge rate much higher than the capacity.

I have a Burning Summit grenade that seems to trigger some reasonable self DoT in a pinch.

The cards just wrong. The lifesteal builds at about 11.5% per second and actually isn’t capped. So 3 seconds of firing a full auto weapon and you’ll be getting over 30% life steal per shot.

You can’t unfortunately use anything semi auto.

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Loop sucks, full shield with Topped Off is 4 times as good.

Rico is reflection, not absord so you still take damage, and enemies also take damage from their own bullets but they’re damage output to health pool ratio makes that kind of useless.

Often for sure, almost always. But the stacking problem is a bug they already tried to fix. Stacking the damage gets out of control if it happens like 5 times in a row.

I hope it’s a low level Burning Summit.

No prob - my Vladof Moze has a handful of weapons that can be fired indefinitely. This just gives me a different combat strategy to use with these bottomless weapons. (Am eyeballing the alt-fire of a Leech because why not)?

Well look who just became invincible. :metal: :laughing:

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Quite literally. It even protects you against self-splash damage if you’ve already been holding the trigger down. Hitting yourself seems to proc the life steal :man_shrugging:

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Holy crap it’s great: Burzum just face-tanked me through an anointed (and some cross fire). It’s weird to leave the weapon firing between enemies (and before engaging a new mob, firing it a bit to ramp that up prematurely). Fun!

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Usually not even necessary to be honest. If the gun has multi-projectiles or a very fast fire rate you can just play pretty much normally (boss fights you might as well hold the trigger down). Using Vampyr to help during the first couple seconds is usually how I run the Sapper. Holding the trigger can be annoying so I just don’t bother. But if you enjoy it then you do you.