If you dont like where Moze is at now

It may be time to move on to a different VH.

Iron Bear is viable, she can have LS now, her best launch builds are still viable, she has the cmod that has the highest damage potential in the entire game (albeit intermittently)

You can do so many different things with her builds that are all viable M4 builds. She can be unkillable , she can be a massive aoe damage dealer , or just a bullet sprayer.

The only thing she is lacking is mobility (without sacrificing rolls on gear)

She is unique in that she has a mech that she can pilot or auto pilot, that makes her in game use a little different from the typical ASE setup, but there are three other characters to choose from.


This turns into Blizzard forum
“If you don’t like where d4 is going, just keep playing d2” ROFL


Why not D3 ? :grinning:

You are missing my point though , what I’m saying is that its probably just not a good fit, she can do so many different things and with the most recent buffs I continually have to check to make sure m4 hasn’t been turned off somehow.

Playstyle matters and some players are going to be suited better to different ones.


I like the direction where Moze is heading now. I liked her even before the recent patches. In fact I created at least 6 fully leveled Mozes just to see how she performs on different builds without respeccing.

She still needs improvement but she is pretty much very usable and strong (even before the patches). I have tried the other VHs and they are fully leveled with god roll items. I still end up coming back to Moze.


Because d3 is exactly the bad influence, destroying d4 already

She has obvious flaws and this is a forum and everyone has the right to point them out and if you can’t handle that, you better just keep playing bl3 and stop playing the forum

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As I have the right to disagree. But you are correct, it does sound like some people are better at playing the forums than the actual game.

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I don’t completely agree with every point in your post, but I agree with the general message behind it.

I don’t actually mind Moze complaints, I have a lot of them too. But I don’t understand why people create new threads with the same complaints over and over. If you’re on pc it literally lists the similar threads when you create the title of your posts. There’s no excuse for people that keep making the same one over and over other than they just want a popular post with a lot of likes. Every forum has the problem where people don’t seem to grasp that there’s a search function.

This is a 2 way street. I haven’t seen a single person tell you to quit the forum, not very nice for you to tell someone with a different opinion they should stop expressing theirs.

Better than it turning into reddit, which it has been for the last month.


You obviously don’t have the arguments to disagree. You simply tell people to stop talking about it and play an other character instead. This is the worst possible behavior

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She’s getting a bit toxic around these parts.
So here’s some mad footage of a Lucians Call putting in some work.


Let me be clear … I am not telling anyone not to play Moze , I’m just saying that Moze is as viable endgame as any other character in the game right now and to me shes the most fun to play. If she isnt fun for you to play I am suggesting maybe it’s time to move on. For you to be happier with your gameplay experience.

Moze still has some terrible talents and Hard points why shouldnt people complain about things they think are bad? thats literally the point of having a game forum


My game design expertise tells me that skills like force feedback, TCP and WCICATG have to be reworked


People still complaining on moze?

There’s legitimate complaints about certain aspects. Then there’s complaints that either have their own post already but people spam new ones, or completely false and misinformed complaints that flood the forum every other day. People start threads sometimes titled (similarly) to “Moze sucks and needs to be completely overhauled”

You can like where she is now , and still have complaints.

I mean unless you are on the Amara forums :grinning:

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a simple solution to the large number of threads could be a mega thread that compiled the most important issues players have with Moze

That exists and is maintained by aaron. I’m on mobile currently otherwise I’d link it.

Edit: This can also be found linked from the pinned topic in the Moze section.


Like this one?


There’s a mega thread linked in the community forum pinned at the top of the Moze thread.

Edit: there we go, thanks Big and Pris

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These posts should go in the community issue mega thread. Or back to reddit where they belong.

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