“Not all who wander are lost.”
-Action skill Cooldown Rate (Always rolls and receives an additional +15%.)
Red Text Detail:
-Amara imbues every third shot with an extra 100% damage that matches her Action Skill Element. The imbued shot has a 33% chance of releasing a Fist of Matter on criticals. (Counts as Action Skill Damage)
-Amara also gains 5% movement speed per stack of Samsara
Max Samsara Stacks: +5
Basically something that lets Non-melee Amaras consistently use Samsara and provides a pretty open ended build pool.
The Max Samsara stacks addition seems a bit odd, given there are no points for it on the mod, and can you imagine 10 stacks of 3/3 Samsara? That would be 50% health regen per second… Yeah. Probably too broken to think about.
Take that out, however, and I could see this being a fun mod, even better if they made it possible to switch action skill element without jumping in and out of menus. On PS4, I’m pretty sure the R3 button is available.
Stick this idea in the create your own gear topic and more people will be likely to see it.
If you buff Samsara and give it max stacks, it starts to get a little crazy, IE, 6/3 Samsara and +5 stacks gives you instant heal at max stacks and everyone would want +3 version of it. This way, it stays more static, and it’s really health missing, so I think it’s less potent than it sounds, IE if you were at 20% health, 50% would bring you to 60% health, then 80% health, then 90% health, etc. So you may still be right but it would be nice to test it out, haha!