Poll: choose 3 weapons from Bl2/TPS you want to see in BL3

Compiled a list of the most popular weapons I could think of from BL2/TPS, poll is limited to 20 max so I had to make some hard choices. If I haven’t included your favourite weapon drop a comment below. Everyone has 3 choices so don’t overthink it!

  • Sandhawk
  • Laser Disker
  • Rapier
  • Flayer
  • Norfleet
  • Luck Cannon
  • Kerblaster
  • Unkempt Harold
  • Cobra
  • Excalibastard
  • Grog Nozzle
  • Thunderfire
  • Slagga
  • Pimpernel
  • Twister
  • Interfacer
  • Avenger
  • Absolute Zero
  • Kaneda’s Laser

0 voters

Rapier because more melee weapons would be cool.

Swordsplosion because EXPLOSIONS???

Excalibastard, because 100% Freeze chance on crit? ■■■■ CRYO EFFICIENCY, this is Camelot Skaglicker!!!

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Yeh more melee weapons are a must atm. I misspelled SWORDSPLOSION but Torgue don’t give a f about spelling so it’s all good lol.

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Twister because the pellet tornado was a fun gimmick.
Avenger because timing the final bounce detonation was fun for extra damage.
Excalibastard because I want insta-freeze on crit.


Twister because it was a really cool gun (albeit way too hard to get)

Avenger because Borderlands 3 lacks equipment that can regen ammo

Pimpernel because it’s just a pretty cool sniper (though it would probably make more sense to be implemented as Dahl rather than Maliwan in Bl3).

Twister, Pimpernel, Thunderfire

If we could pick four I would have also chosen the Laser Disker

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Laser Disker was my top choice, love the idea of a Tediore that deals tons of splash dmg both with reloads and normal fire.

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I would love to see some f the top Dahl snipers make a return. The Sloth was MAD underrated, once you figured its projectiles out it hit like a truck. I also think the Pitchfork could be a great addition(assuming it doesn’t use 2 ammo/shot).

I miss the Orion from BL1

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Harold, absolute zero, norfleet. Never was able to get my hands on the interfacer, cobra or twister–three of the four weapons (along with one SMG in the final DLC last summer) in BL2 I never had.

Sand hawk would have been a good choice if the Bee was also on the list–without the Bee the weapon is fairly useless.

I really hope the bee doesn’t show up in this game. It was so OP that every raid boss was balanced around it or other similarly broken tactics, making them a total pain to kill if you used anything different.

Hey, um you know that sniper rifle that mordecai gives you in the commander lilith & the battle for sanctuary dlc, that one sniper rifle that bypasses shields, if that was on the poll than i definetley would’ve voted for it, also the toothpick & the antifection

Yeh the Amigo Sincero, had the trespasser in the poll initially (which is what the Amigo Sincero is based on) but had to get rid of it since I had to cut from like 40 guns to 20. Didn’t include any of the commander Lilith weapons since most of them are stronger versions of weapons that already existed in bl2 and a lot of people never played it. All were really strong guns, kinda unbalanced though.

Lady Fist.

Although the main use of it was to exploit the Bee, so I guess you’d also need the Bee to come back for it to shine. And to be honest I don’t want the Bee to come back, it was just too broken. Still, beefisting was good fun.

Slag and the Bee ruined BL2 gameplay tbh. Made it really tedious to constantly swap weapons and rely on not taking damage to do damage.


Where’s the Badaboom and Pitchfork? Lol
Wow, the Harold has more votes that I expected, yikes.

I voted for Pimpernel, Norfleet and Flayer.

Pimpernel because it is a top tier sniper, and you had to learn to use it. Once you do you could one shot.
Norfleet because it was a fun weapon to use. Also I love the reload animation of the Maliwan Launchers. (I know that there’s no Maliwan Launchers in BL3, but a man can dream).
Flayer because I watched a lot of Derch TPS videos lmao.



Shocket Launcher (errr, Peak Opener).

they just don’t belong to BL3, and some of them could even break its mechanics…

Luck Cannon

In BL2 I found UVHM unplayable without the Bee. So I guess the question is did they make the game that way because of the Bee’s inclusion or would it have been that difficult even without the Bee? The pre-sequel had UVHM and no Bee equivalent yet it was much easier than BL2’s UVHM.

I’m surprised the Sandhawk is getting so many votes b/c on it’s own I don’t recall it doing much.

Not on the list, but I would really love a Hector’s Paradise from the Lilith DLC in BL3. Loved that pistol…