Hi guys,
Grown Gamer here. I was thinking about blast master today and it just occurred to me that the way the COM works is a little wacky. Why does Moze have to not reload in order to increase her explosive damage? Then it occurred to me to think about each of Moze COMS and what they have to offer. What makes them good and the quality of gameplay that results from us having them.
(I will only cover the most used MODS in detail and will make a passing mention at the least used. I Will update if you think I need to dive deeper into them.)
The green monster requires you to fire continuously to enjoy the bonus damage. Which is great because it gives you corrosive damage that wrecks armor.
- Min-maxed, the green monster gives the iron bear a massive damage buff since you can fire once and enter Iron bear. Letting the damage build-up.
- The Activation method appears to make sense.
- Works well with a high firerate high magazine size Moze Build as well.
- Gives a splash damage bonus which also benefits iron bear.
- It is currently broken and can be exploited to out damage blast master by firing one shot then entering iron bear. It should still benefit bear though.
- Usage is too niche.
Green monster is generally in a good place. And with bonuses to
- Scorching RPM’s
- Click, Click
- The Iron Bank
There is a lot of synergy with its side effects.
Score updated to factor in the current (broken) state of the mod and the high damage it gives to both Moze and Iron bear.
The longer Moze goes without reloading, the more splash damage she deals, up to a +100% bonus.
Basically you get rewarded for not reloading with bonus splash damage.
- It adds a good amount of damage to explosive weaponry of you and iron bear.
- Grenades can crit. While having bonus splash damage as well. Makes grenades Mayhem 4 Viable.
It doesn’t benefit all of iron bears weapons like green monster does.
The fact that reloading resets the bonus.
(Personal opinions removed)
Bonus skills;
- Pull the Holy Pin
- Vampyr
- Redistribution
The bonuses it comes with are alright. Good synergy with explosive damage.
8/ 10
Score updated to factor in the positive experiences of community members.
Critical hits cause a micro grenade to drop. 25% chance. They explode and do good damage.
Basically, you get rewarded for doing critical hits with extra damage and explosives which can proc lifesteal.
- It increases your damage and Iron bears damage.
- It is fun to use and encourages more skilled play.
- Technically speaking, it has the highest possible damage of all the Moze COMS…theoretically. (Grenades can crit leading to another grenade created and using that creates crit as its base. Then criting and leading to another grenade and so on and so on. Very low probability with each new grenade.)
- The skills it buffs are either meh, or can actually work against you and kill you. (AKA get good)
- It doesn’t really make sense why it works how it does. But the mechanics are fun to utilize. So no ■■■■■given.
-Fire in the Skag Den
-Torgue Cross-Promotion
But the damage and impact of the micro grenades as well as how it encourages you to get headshots is sizeable. (I bet even if you didn’t drop any more grenades, a player would still see significant increases in their average map DPS by using this mod due to encouraging the player to always be aiming for crits.)
Score updated to factor in the skill required to effectively use the bonus effect as well as the reduced weapon pool that can crit.
If Moze would be healed, she gains shields instead. If she would regenerate health, she also gains shield regeneration.
Blood letter lets moze regen shield. But most of its strength comes from the skills it buffs. Which all greatly increase her on foot DPS.
- Easy to activate special skill.
- Greatly increases Moze and Iron bear DPS with only Kills required.
- The bonuses it gives require almost no changes to playstyle to utilize.
- Possibly the Highest Damage for On Foot Moze and Iron bear given the right situation
- Greatly increases Moze Survivability when properly used.
- Don’t benefit as much from “While Shield is broken buffs.”
- Takes a shield recharge penalty. To both delay and rate.
For skill bonuses
- Thin Red Line
- Desperate Measures
- Phalanx Doctrine
All skills will lead to increased damage on a properly built Moze. Fantastic synergy.
- Score adjusted to factor in the requirement of good gear as well as a weapon or grenade to refill shields. It remains the highest-ranked MOD.
- Score adjusted to factor in the real-world experiences of players with the MOD. (Not as good as in theory)
- Score adjusted to account for requiring the most specialized gear, build and Annointments to optimize performance.
Whenever Iron Bear kills an enemy, it gains decreased fuel usage. Whenever Iron Bear takes damage, it gains increased damage.
Basically buffs your bear to last longer and hit harder.
- The best combination of iron bear survivability, damage and duration of all the mods.
- There are better options for Iron bear damage. And Moze basically gets nothing out of the mod unless she commits to the blue capstone.
- Does the lowest damage of the Top Tier Moze COMS.
The bonuses;
- Stoke the Embers
- Deadlines
- Stainless Steel Bear
Practically perfect synergy with the bonuses. More duration, more damage and armor for bear. But requires Moze to hit short fuse in order to get anything out of it.
- Score is adjusted to account for the longevity of iron bear. It does not do the highest damage. But you can do damage for a longer time.
- Penalised for having no benefit to on-foot Moze.
Makes Auto Bear last practically forever.
More useful than the others in only a handful of situations.
Iron bear CD is so low with the right build that it can be kept up almost all the time without a class mod.
- Penalized for removing cooldown bonus from remaining fuel on bear exit.
- Score adjusted for Slaughter Shaft and general Arena Utility.
- Score Adjusted to treat Iron Bear and Moze damage Combined over extended fights assuming bear is alive.
Redundant. Gives no damage. Provides minimal survivability in exchange for this.
-Penalised for not giving Moze or Iron bear any special damage boosts.
+Score adjusted to account for weapons that allow the lifesteal to hit max bonus and give Moze good survivability. The score remains low due to no damage benefit from this COM
Bear optimized builds with Raging Bear beat this MOD. It is of No Value. Could be removed and no one would notice for a week.
- Score Adjusted for the redundancy of the Mod considering Iron Bear Fuel buffs.
- Adjusted to factor Guardian Rank Cooldown Skill.
- Penalized for being inferior to Raging Bear in Every Way.
- Score adjusted due to low community interest in the MOD.
- Score Adjusted to factor in how early it can be acquired. (Raging Bear required Mayhem 4)
- Score adjusted to factor in the smaller delta between it and Raging Bear based off testing by the user (DoctorDragon).
- Removed section with MOZE COM suggestions as they were personal preferences and not related to current effectiveness of MOZE COMS.
Updated based off some points made by [sammantixbb]
Updated based off some points made by [doctordragon]
I would like your thoughts on the mods and their ratings.
XD Have fun.
Peace, Love and Loot