Dedicated loot drops from Circles of Slaughter

Mr. Torgue’s Slaughter Onslaught will increase the number of dedicated loot drops from Circles of Slaughter.

what exactly are the dedicated loot drops for those? :smiley:

From the main post, I think these are the drops (gleaned from other online sources, so I’m not 100% here):

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nothing realy worth going after then hahaha (though the crapload of legendaries it drops should yield something i hope)

If I wasn’t already sitting on pretty fantastic versions of these, I’d be all over it (and I’m still hoping someone will confirm or deny that this is basically the enemy/drop set). I may still sniff out an upgraded Shredifier though… see if I can find one with a ‘consecutive hits’ anointment.

found a few of those haha but i scrapped them all… not my kind of weapon xD

maybe GB could add a trademarket in game where you put up such a weapon and have you trade for something you want :smiley: