An easy way to please the anti-bear-moze-players

reverse the zane concept :smiley:
moze can sacrifice her action skill button to have 2 grenade mods
everyone is happy :3


Would never work. Plus I don’t understand why people are so Anti Bear. I didn’t really spec into Death Trap, but his shield giving skill and pulling some aggro off of me was great. I didn’t spec into Bloodwing (with the original lvl 50 cap) but still used it for a small heal sometimes. It’s just like Maya, some people build Phazelock to instantly break and go to cool down, and others built it to last a long time and chain from enemy to enemy. Some people ignored Axton’s turret, some loved it. Some Krieg players ignored melee some built around it.

Bear is no different. People can do TTD without Bear, all in Bear, and hybrid. People just need to get over it or pick a different Vault Hunter.


the problem with bear is that besides his completely “replacing moze” gameplay, he is very time consuming to use
5 seconds spawn/leave for 15 seconds “fire support” and triggering anointments


Thats the problem you have with it.


and every other post about it since september 19


Far more of us in here posting science and builds and discussions about using and liking bear then there is people listing their problems with it. Far more.


thats probably bubble principle
easily caused by the thread algorithm

i get a lot of posts suggested about “summon iron bear” “make iron bear animation faster”
“auto bear” etc.

Nothing to do with what I’m saying. I’ve read every single comment on every single post in this section since about November.

I don’t even know what you mean by “suggested” I just come to the Moze section and read everything that gets posted.

Take a look at the master build list and see how many builds use Bear compared to not using it at all or even only using it for proccing anoints. The Hybrid/Pilot builds outnumber the Infantry by more then double.


i am not reading every single post
when i comment on a post, there is a buch of other posts listed below
its also easier to post your “new build” but to complain about the same problem over and over that never changed since the announcement of the game

Most people agree on a better exit animation. The whole “summon autobear automatically” is a controversial topic that’s pretty split. Everything else that gets brought up such as “IB doesn’t do good damage” or “IB doesn’t have survivability” tends to get shut down with facts fairly quickly. Other then that, the people that complain about just about everything IB does are vastly outnumbered. One last issue that many agree on is that many anoints don’t play nice with Bear.


its not really a good argument to say that its “outnumbered”
every other VH has 3 action skills
moze’s only action skill makes you not use your gun anymore (krieg and brick as well)
just because a majority of moze players are the ones who like to pilot a vehicle to battle and the rest just moved on to other vault hunters and there are some left that love the concept of her but not the execution of her action skill, doesnt invalidate any of their arguments

this is also not the topic

you have no reason (ofc the right) to comment in here
this post is not about if i am allowed to dislike moze’s action skill
this is about a suggestion to make her more versatile, just like zane is

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The concept of Moze largely includes riding around in a giant badass mech. That was the biggest selling point outlined by GBX when they talked about her. If you don’t like that idea then you don’t like the concept of Moze. sry


Alright, why don’t you…

wait for it…


Normally that’s not something I say to someone, but you’re literally asking for one character to just be another character? Why on earth are you playing Moze if you hate her action skill?

Like what does this mean? She is fully designed around her Action Skill, without it you’re left with voice acting and character model.


she truly isnt
she has skills to nonstop shooting, to nonstop throw grenades, to have huge ass shields that iron bear doesnt even use
she has a lot of things in her skilltree that you cant even use when riding a mech 24/7

i can obviously love her and play her without riding IB, because i am just doing that for over half a year right now
its really sad that every second creative/progressive post about moze is pulled down by this self-appointed elite that tries to tell people how moze is supposed to be played
just move on and let people talk about it xD





But you’re talking about taking away what makes Moze, well, Moze. IB is part of who she is. That’s like asking to take Bloodwing away from Mordecai, or Deathtrap from Gaige…

Hell, while we’re at it, allow Fl4k to do the same thing and not use his pets at all. This is why there are four VH’s to choose from. Since you already play Moze without IB, just continue to do that. But if you don’t want to learn how to play with IB, then you can choose to do that as well. I play all four VH’s and they all can solo TTD, at this point. What you’re asking is to fundamentally change how one VH works at it’s core. I think you’ll need to wait until the next Borderlands gets released for that.


since it doesnt take away anything from her
i dont really see a problem coming up
just solving a problem that a lot of people have, who love moze, even tho they dont love IB
im just trying to bring up solutions
i would prefer the summon auto bear solution
but the reverse zane just seems easier to implement in theory

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I highly doubt either are actually easy to implement. A lot of things happen when you load into IB. It’s hidden by the animation effect on screen but there’s a lot of gears turning to do what happens. I’m not saying it’s impossible, hell I wouldn’t even be surprised if they added a class mod that can summon Auto Bear. But we have all heard it a million times already.

As for removing her Action Skill and completely changing her to have Zane’s ability while still balancing her other skills and mods… Maybe you should email Gearbox and ask them if they’ll make these changes and offer to pay their programmers and designers for a few months salary.

Not realistic at all.


with “reverse zane” i mean, she can throw 2 different grenade mods xD
and she is obviously balanced around not using IB, enough, since you can easily play the game without him

That’s like saying Amara is balanced around fakegrasp…