First time commenter, long time reader.
I know this question sounds like a joke, but I’m so disturbed about a certain non-drop in my BL2 game (Handsome Collection, PS4) that I’m forced to ask it.
The background is this: I’ve been playing through BL2 slowly trying to build up my Maya to the point (level 80) where I’d begin farming the good SMGs (bitches) in all elements. It’s been my goal the entire time. Before I went to bunker, I spent months farming Norfleets (just to have them), Twisters, Bekahs - the works. It was difficult, often tedious, but I got what I worked for. I know what it is to farm; I realize there are dry spells. I farmed all of the pearls in BL1, a Savage Masher, the works. But what I’m about to relate is entirely different.
I have killed Bunker no less than 1,500 times over the past four or five weeks. Very early on in this process - day one, in fact - I obtained a bitch in non-elemental, slag, fire, and corrosive. It took ten or so hours, yet overall the rate and quality of reward seemed to match the grind required. A decent balance, as these things go.
The problem, however, is that I began to obtain these items again and again and again and again over the coming days and weeks, and the shock elemental bitch alone never, not a once, dropped for me.
I kept going, though with rapidly growing doubts as to the gun’s existence.
I was so put out and pissed off at a certain point that my manic stubborn streak kicked in and, thanks to the leisure time afforded by quarantine, farmed Bunker almost non-stop for 24 hours straight just looking for a shock bitch - just one, didn’t care about the parts, nothing so fancy. I simply wanted it to have my endgame smg set so I can finally play how I want to play. Not a huge requirement. It’s not like I’m looking for a 94% sham.
Anyway, unless I am mistaken, there is nothing special about the electric bitch. It should have the same probability of dropping as any other elemental variant of the bitch. Is the gun supposed to be harder to obtain than a Norfleet, Twister, or Bekah? Is it supposed to take longer to so much as catch wind that one was in the vicinity than to obtain all three of a Norfleet, Twister, and Bekah?
Is that supposed to be possible? I gather the statistics say it is theoretically possible. But in all seriousness, has anyone else had this much trouble with it? I know, for example, that I saw K6 get one on his second kill while farming for the 94% Sham, and then kind of shrug and say, “oh, cool.” Didn’t seem that impressed with it. I’m not sure he even picked it up.
The ridiculous expense of time and energy BL2 has imposed for something so relatively meager is just destroying my love for this game. It makes me physically ill thinking about the absurdity of farming Bunker and how low his drop rates are for anything legendary. It often takes me two hours just to get a single bitch to drop (a full single kill and clean up takes me on average three minutes) - invariably one that I’ve already seen drop ten times over.
And let me also note that in this insane farming process, the likes of which I have never experienced in any game I’ve ever played - not even farming Crawmerax for pearls was close to this bad - I have accumulated a full set of Conference Calls (shock, fire, and corrosive), a full set of infinities (shock, fire, and corrosive), four topneaas, two mongols, three quasars, four hammer busters, a zillion Gunerangs, a handful of pearls, two Verucs, a maggie, a Volcano (!), a WTF and legendary Turtle shield, a Baby Maker, and more I can’t remember - all from Bunker over around 1,500 kills. (I already had most of this stuff from previous farming efforts, so it’s not as sweet as it sounds.)
How can this be?
So to come back to my title: my question is, in all seriousness, could it be possible that something has gone wrong inside my game making it impossible for me to obtain the electric bitch? By “impossible” I mean the game cannot drop it, for whatever reason.
Because I cannot spend years of my life trying to get this damn gun just to find out. I usually try to do intensive farming for reasonably rare (but not too rare) items, and then start playing how I want. This gun seemed to fit the bill, and my experience acquiring the other bitches (many, many, many times over) only encouraged me in that belief.
Wrong. So much wrong.
I have googled the matter and nothing showed up. I have queried whether the electric bitch is in fact the rarest gun in the game (which would explain a lot), but no one seems to hold that opinion. All I saw was a comment by someone saying he got it off of Master Gee on his first kill.
In conclusion: what gives, o knowledgeable vault hunters? I really do know that “random things are random” - my question specifically is whether it’s outside the realm of possibility that this merely seems to be a case of horrific bad luck, but is in fact some kind of bug blocking my game from dropping the shock variant of the gun. I’m certain I’ve already got a dozen drops of other weapons that have to have been far more improbable coming from Bunker than getting what is, after all, merely an elemental version of a gun he’s designated to drop. Again, I understand perfectly well that farming for super rare or perfect items (like the 94% sham) can take years. But a shock elemental bitch? Come on now.
Gearbox screwed up bad with Bunker, and they screwed up even worse with a “hot fix” that didn’t fix anything. I’m at my wits end and quite bitter about not finding my endgame in BL2. I feel like I was led down the garden path.
If I sound angry, believe me: I don’t sound half as angry as I am. I’m surprised I can compose complete sentences.