Green Tree or Red Tree?

With Moze getting buff all of a sudden I decide to level up Moze. I’m defiantly going down the blue tree since I love the ideas of making things blow up but I can’t decide what second tree to go down. The green tree would allow making my Iron Bear stronger while boosting how DPS but I have heard that the red tree (with the Deathless Artifact ) makes you the most unstoppable tank. So I just wanted to ask which one would you go down as your second tree after blue?
Side note: What the word on Explosives Punctuation since it got buffet from 5% to 8%?

Explosive Punctuation went from a dumpster fire to just regular hot garbage. Grizzled will out perform it in almost every scenario.

I vote Green. Especially if you’re taking Short Fuse in blue. Because SRPMs boosts short fuse damage.

Also, Deathless Shield Moze grows increasingly fragile as enemy damage gets to the point of breaking your shield too fast.


split between the two. Pearl of Ineffable knowledge gives a lot of the same damage type as the damage skills in both trees, but scorching RPM and experimental munitions add a lot of damage in your overall output. you can still take the point in specialist bear and get to experimental munitions with a few points left over that you can place for utility.

EDIT: the only poopy part about that is you don’t get access to Sabots.


I see. I take your advice and came up with this. Feel free to tell me what you think. And I don’t see it as a poopy part since with this you can get Explosives. Bullets.

Swap the points out from TRL into DiB, and 4 points from FitSD to max Deadlines and nab To The Last. Otherwise looks good.


pretty much this.

Deathless build are NOT tanky. Whoever you heard that from is misinforming you. I’m so tired of explaining healthgating to people…

Without at least 50% of your health, you can still be one shot, even with 100k shields. Deathless builds will always go into FFYL. They are not Tanky. They are fragile.

People just see big shield numbers, and make assumptions. The ability to healthgate, while using a Last Stand Otto Idol, is going to be your tankiest option.


what @cat_thulhu said is completely true, unless or until they finally fix tenacious defense so it synergizes with deathless and health reserve builds you might as well be a bug about to impact a windshield at all times.

which option you chose is dependent on what you need. green is ammo efficiency and red is damage.

and a curiosity what’s the point of investing in grizzled for those that actually use iron bear?

If most of your damage is based around iron bear wouldn’t you never actually see any benefits from grizzled as it only counts the kills you get outside of iron bear towards reducing your cooldown?

It gets it back much faster. Basically necessary to have IB ready to go at all times, if doing a “all Bear” build. It’s also just the best option to get down the tree. That, or it frees up some rolls on your relic and com, so you don’t need AS cool down, on Hybrid builds at least.

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So grizzled is the only skill that reduces cooldown while the action skill is active that remains after the skill is over? *besides zane I guess.

Because whenever I try the same thing with fl4k’s headcount the action skill meter always resets to zero when the action skill ends.

Grizzled and Headcount work the same way. Grizzled also only has an effect after the Action Skill is over.

oh ok thought so. So is it useful for people that’s playstyle revolves around iron bear?

Before I retooled my moze i could barely kill anything on m4, and definitely not fast enough to make a difference in the cool down. and I only use iron bear for recharging my shield.

I imagine that the investment needed for iron bear to do good damage and survive , would take away from moze’s ability to do so by herself.

Grizzled is amazing and should be in pretty much all builds. It makes a substantial difference.

There was a time this was true but since the addition of Splash healing Iron Bear this hasn’t been the case. The meta short Fuse spec gets all the relevant skills that make Iron Bear tick while also making Moze formidable on foot.

A spec like the following creates a very good hybrid. Blast Master gets a strong Iron Bear and Moze. Raging Bear is also an option and will give you longer Iron Bear times with less burst potential, though Moze won’t pack quite as much of a punch on foot.


Ok that’s good , sounds like with the iron bear fixes, her action skill is no longer a hindrance to build variety/ making a good setup.

what about behind the iron curtain is that good?
I’ve heard it allows for shields to continue recharging when taking damage.

Eh. It’s so far down the SoR tree, that I wouldn’t recommend it. At this point, unless you are using a Bloodletter/Deathless, I wouldn’t go past Experimental Munitions/Full Can of Whoop Ass. Not too mention that even with it’s recent buff, it’s still underwhelming as a skill.

Yeah but is that how it works, if i put a point in it, could my shield recharge in the normal time even if I’m taking damage?

Active tracking homing missiles are good now?

I find them passable. They’re slower to fire, have smaller mags and are less likely to crit which makes unaugmented Vanqs better in my opinion. Though if you’re just having fun mobbing somewhere like Lectra then they’re more than good enough to get you through.

No. It just decreases the amount of time after taking damage before your shield begins regenerating. You can’t recharge your shields whilst taking damage. Would need a delay of 0.01 or something for that to happen.