Super rare items

Hi guys, have you found any super rare items this patch? if it’s the case, share with us please. I only have found two of them.

My understanding is that the special effect of the Mendel’s Multivitamin Shield locks it’s parts, guaranteeing that it will have 3 health parts, and also gives it the Health Regen when full effect.

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Is Mendel’s shield rare? I thought it was a mission reward.

I’m still bent on getting a Hot Drop launcher from Hot Karl, but that dude’s been stingy AF.

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ohhh I see, so is not super rare, thanks for your opinions guys, do you have any to share?

He’s also stingy with Sledge’s Hammer…ugh.

He drops that thing too?

Dude’s stingy AF. Gonna go smash him up a little here in a bit. :laughing:

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Yes he does…lol…HF

Well, he dropped a Sledge’s Shotgun, but no launcher (and he’s got a serious loot tink infestation there… had one basically every time I visited him, two at one point).

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You’ve got me trying to get one now…lol… no luck… but I did pick up some sledge’s shotguns… The Garcia is a much, much better option… For Amara, it’s right up there with the x25 Stagecoach and x21 Stagecoach I have.

Yeah, I got my first Garcia ever today (that section of Floodmor Basin is just off my mental map and I rarely go there). Looks fun!

The Garcia with Fl4k…wow… they really make great use of it with Fade Away.

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