I appreciate the effort being put into trying to bring Moze up to par with the other VH’s, but It’s still not enough to bring me back to the character.
Click Click is an anti-synergy skill to be so deep in the tree, unless you are using CoV weapons (That need a buff), or you are doing the ammo vendor trick to run your ammo down in your gun.
The entire idea of Bottomless Mags is that your Magazine doesn’t empty, meaning that this really only works for CoV weapons, and the CoV Weapon Breaking doesn’t synergize with most of the tree / CoMs.
You still have to invest a massive amount of points into the Demolition Woman Skill Tree to have any sort of healing outside of Iron Bear (unless you’re using the new Com, and giving up massive damage), and then you are just constantly spamming grenades, and creating such visual pollution that it’s an unhappy experience.
Iron Bear is still the clunkiest Action Skill in the game. You either invest heavily into it, to the point where the only piece of gear that you care about is your COM, or you are hopping in / out of it as fast as possible to trigger ASE anoints.
Her trees are dedicated to adding Incendiary Damage to EVERYTHING, but no way to buff the incendiary damage to make up for the fact that it’s weak against armor and shields, which the overwhelming majority of the characters at end game are sporting.
I started the game on moze, racked up 8 days played before DLC 1 dropped, and I’ve let her sit almost non stop since. I go back to her when there are buffs / changes / level increases to see if there is something that becomes viable and fun.
At 57, I have a build that can support N2M anoints indefinitely, creates constant explosions, adds tons of incendiary damage, and is doing exactly what it’s supposed to do.
But, it’s just not as viable as it should be. With
- Green Monster Corrosive running rampant, thanks to never reloading
- Demo Woman and Bottomless Mags spec
- Com And Artifact additions for Assault Weapon, Weapon Damage, and Brand Specific Weapon Damage
- On Grenade Thrown Damage Increase anoints
- ASE Shock on Shield
- ASE / N2M Cryo on Gun
- Incendiary from tree
She is just far slower than what she should be.
I wanted Moze to be my go to char. I loved the idea of the char. I Love the idea of a mech using / machine gun toting badass. But the gameplay doesn’t hold up.