Seventh Sense: yay or nay?

I got one of these when I ran Moze through the DLC area. I glanced at it and that was about it. The gun didn’t really fit with my Moze build so I didn’t really use it. Now that I’m running Amara through I got another one and decided to try it. Loving this gun. Still don’t think it would be good on Moze due to all the reloading required but on Amara it’s pretty awesome.

I been primarily using this and if I get an enemy with armor I switch to a radiation Oldridian which is also really good. Not as fun as the pistol, however. With FoE/MA capstones + TTB + Seventh Sense…not much survives very long. I love how you can reload at different times to get the secondary effect.

What is everyone else thinking of this gun?

I was quite put off by the absence of anoint ( never understood why some guns can t have anoint) . However now that I have all 4 vh, I like to match new weapons with them. Seventh sense gives a strong Fl4k vibe to me: the thematic of the weapon is fitting, and with th abilities ’ leave no trace’ ( chance to add 1 ammo in mag on crit) and ’ two fangs’ (chance to fire 2 projectiles per shot) the innate power of th gun shines. It is a great fadeaway weapon, really fitting with being invisible and making use of reloads usually lost time in fadeaway.


Amara’s also a good contender for 7S…

Element ASE Anointment on grenade and shield add extra projectiles on proc, and with Indiscriminate, bullets that reflect also proc extra projectiles, while ALL do full damage…

Basically, Ties That Bind + Indiscriminate + ASE on Shield/Nade + Reload = Craziness

Yep. Exactly what I was saying in the OP. It works great on Amara with TTB. Does massive damage and I like how you can control the damage spike with reload. If TTB target is about to die you can reload early for a burst of damage to finish it off…ensuring all linked targets take max damage.

It’s a good gun to use with FL4K, Amara, and Zane.
All 3 can make it work well.
Moze not so much…

It’s really good and you can get it to work on any character (Moze can at least buff the mag size a fair bit). A bit of a shame it can’t come anointed but on the other hand it’s still easily good enough to be used without it and you really don’t need to worry farming a lot (most stats are fixed, only reload speed can vary a little) which is kind of nice. I’d say, it really is one of the best pistols in the game right now, with the only major downside being the low projectile speed making it difficult to hit fast or far away enemies.