Opinion on allegiance build

Goofing around with builds and decided I’m going to make an allegiance build. Which one do you think will be more fun.

Build: endless mags with bloodletter/deathless

  1. vladoff only weapons
  2. Dahl only weapons

Build: demolition woman
1)Torgue with bloodletter /deathless
2)Torgue with endless mags

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I do this sort of stuff all the time, maybe too much. Just recently I ran a Short Fuse/ Forge build through regular takedown, just to experiment. For Dahl the soulrender, Hornet, and Nemesis is great. For Vladof the Boom sickle, Dictator, Lyuda, and Faisor is great.

Moze can do so much with so many builds I end up testing new builds more than I farm. Torgue could be fun because of the recent buffs many guns got, like Lop, Juliets Dazzle, Redline, ect.

I’d vote Vladof because it feels like it has a larger range of weapon options, including some really good purples (double Bezoomy, Vred with micro rockets, double barrel Creech). Vladof nades also count towards Match Set bonuses.

I’ve been playing around with Bloodletter/deathless Torgue builds with little or no investment in Bottomless Mags (like this). There are some Torgue guns with mag sizes so low that the BM tree isn’t going to do much for you.

I reckon you’ll have the most fun with bottomless mags Torgue. Lots of great guns with a ton of variety. Will end up pretty powerful too, if you build it right.

I literally only run weapon loadouts from one manufacturer these days due to matching set, soloed TTD with all manufacturers except COV, wasn’t a fan of bandit weapons in bl2 and certainly not these COV ones either.

but if you want variety I would say Vladof has the most to offer, they have great ARs, SRs, Launcher, and 2 shotguns masquerading as assault rifles. Dahl weapons are nice due to nearly nonexistent recoil but it lacks good legendary snipers (purple ones are rly nice tho), and Torgue is all about EXPLOSIONS?!

I did it with Dhal Kaos and warlord mainly with some night Hawkin, but the most fun is Vladof shredifier double chain gun baby! The Vladof set will be entirely made of those beasts only have two atm

Dahl has a lot more weapon selection and does really well with mindsweeper as well.

the star helix, kaos, night hawkin, and Good Juju also perform very well on moze as well as the Dahl weapons that have already been mentioned.

I have two Moze’s, one Torgue, and one Vladof - I find them both quite enjoyable.

I’m lousy with Torgue gear at range, so she’s rockin’ a Deathless/Bloodletter/Shield of Retribution build so she can tank herself into comfortable Torgue range. Then she moved down the Demolition Woman tree to take advantage of all the splash damage.

My Vladof rep goes down the Bottomless Mags tree because with the mag size of most of their gear combined with these skills, she can take advantage of those COMs/Skills with the condition of, “the longer you fire…” (and it’s surprisingly fun to unload high-fire weapons into enemies for sustained lengths of time).

If I had to choose between the two, I’d go Vladof for the sole reason that I’m addicted to their Burzum line of assault rifles. Get a bead on someone’s head and it will sort of ‘lock on’ (they can shake it if they dodge faster than you can follow). Mind Sweeper grenades flow like a fountain, enemies nearby catch damage from secondary beams, Experimental Munitions throws perma fire damage, and Redistribution keeps the mag full.

Alternately, I just got a Sapper, and she’s surprisingly tanky with it when you lock on like this… need to find a good complementary relic.

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  • All Opinions are based on Mayhem 4. From 3 and below, there is no noticable difference between the builds other than personal preference. Emjoy whatever.

This surprised me, but Dahl Moze is likely stronger than Vladoff Moze. And it is a lot of fun. Dahl weapons dont have insanely high magazines, so they utilise CCC very well. On top of good base damage and a good set of legendaries you can rely on.
The problem you will face is that Dahl has zero AOE. Literally no launchers or grenades. Which leaves a lot of Moze Skills that enhance damage and crowd control on the table.

Vladoff Moze is fun, you shoot a lot of bullets. But the Time to Kill is so high it looses its luster fast. Moze likes high damage weapons with medium to medium - small sized magazines. (Mostly cause they tend to have high damage.)

  • Vladof has the best LAuncher in the game and you can carry the entire Ammo reserve in the Mag with an Allegience build. Which as a 4th slot is Beastly enjoyable.

Torgue Moze with the right Augments likely deals the most damage of all the Manufacturers. There is a lot of Blast damage synergy with her class Mod and with the right annoinments you can have 3 elements hitting your enemy at the same time.

  • The damage here is the highest of all Allegiences. (Lets Pretend the Krakatoa Doesnt exist for a sec) And Torgue has the best Grenade and Launcher game.
  • It is however an eyesore. So many explosions and special effects can get to you. ANd the visual clutter is insane.

YOu will use the KRAKATOA and HELLSHOCK and melt everything in your path. That is all.

  • Kybs is also alright. But the KRAKATOA on Moze melts every other Maliwan Gun option way. You will. She can get up to 50% extra fire damage and unlimited ammo on the highest DPS sniper rifle in the game and that is before annointments. DAMN, it is strong.
  • Cons are that you have a small pool of worthwhile guns to use.

This is actually really fun. You can Meme and get Turrets for days. YOu can use Anarchy to one SHot things. (Just dont get Green Capstone or you will have issues getting the gun to run dry of ammo). Generally fun and lets you play around with lots of weapons.

  • I don’t really like Tediore. And I dont know why.
  • You will eat through a lot of Ammo. Like…Alot. YOu can actually run out depending on how you are playing.
  • Gets old faster than other playstyles.

Fantasic time if you have good aim. If not, fugget about it.

  • But for real, Jacobs Moze is very enjoyable. Kind of like vanilla.
  • You go crits. You do damage. Moze gives bonus fire damage. Mozefixes all the problems Jacobs guns have. From small mag to gaining fire element, to firerate.
  • Only con is it is a bit counter to her techy-military style. XD OTherwise, have fun.

And that is just what I got out of my Allegience builds. The big thing is that each manufacturer feels different and encoruages you to play Moze differently and even spec Iron Bear Differently to build on the strengths and cover the weaknesses of the weapons you are using.

You will have fun in different ways with each manufacturer. And probably differently to how I played each one.

I think Moze has the most balanced and dynamic Skill tree of all the Vault Hunters. After playing all 4 for a bit. She can use all manufacturers well. XD Hope that helps.

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Imo I think she would really excel at maliwan or torgue allegiances. Specing matched set and running a splash build.

Dahl actually has, a tiny bit more than zero aoe :D, aka Kaos and Breath of the Dying, esp the latter. Those poison balls gets overkill bonus dmg I think, and can 1 shot badasses in SS

and unless your baseline for what’s enjoyable is Krakatoa, Maliwan does have many enjoyable weapons, Recursion, Cutsman, Ion Laser, Insider just name a few,

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All of the feedback has been fantastic. Currently have a vladoff build with a rad faisor, fire sickle, damned and dictator. (It’s what I had in stash).

Would love some specific weapon selections (with annointed) for the following.
Dahl with :green/red trees. (Sapper or bloodletter, shields and weapons)
Torgue EXPLOSIONS build with weapon and trees suggestions.

What are the thoughts on a blue/green explosive vladoff build? (Ogre, boom sickle, faisor shotgun, sniper with under barrel rocket)

For a torgue build, a Juliets Dazzle, Scourge, Tiggs boom and a devils foursum is a good load out.

Blue tree and green tree, left over points in Armoured Infantry.

@13igTyme – Any thoughts on doing a COV allegiance build with the new COV weapons? The Hydrafrost is really good.

I haven’t gotten the new CoV weapon yet and haven’t played my CoV build since November. I’ll be sure to give it a try later this week.

@cailte Putting the last three points into Armoured infantry isn’t going to do as much as getting Click Click.

dahl is perfectly excellent with the Demo Woman tree. the generally high base damage and fire rate make them great short fuse weapons, even if they don’t have splash.

Should have click click going to forge. Leftover points in AI.

Just finished a Vladof run through. Level 1-57, only using vladof weapons.

It was fun. Lyuda, Faisor, Sickle and Damned were my mains throughout the game. With enough skill points and correct rolls, I got my Lyuda up to 52 mag size. Ended up leaving it at 38 for more +sniper and weapon damage.

52 mag lyuda.

you better never reload cuz there arent any bullets left when you do hahaha.

for Dahl setup, either go snipers, purple diamondback/asp/rattler with 125% fire
or ARs, BotD with 125% fire, soulrender/warlord with 125% fire or consecutive hits

for Dahl allegiance builts it is also very important to have both +AR/SR dmg and +Dahl crit on class mods, you can also try green monster, easy to farm from the last 2 bosses in dlc 1, or check healing vendor for a good marksman COM (e.g. +1 EM/+1 Redis/+3 SRPM with Dahl crit)