Two-fer Luck cannon only two shots before reload with FFOB?

I ground (grinded?) forever with DLC Legendary/Vanilla Legendary/Pistol to get a Luck Cannon, and I finally got a two-fer variant. When I use it I get two shots before a reload. I thought FFOB gave a +3 to every magazine so I should be getting four per reload? I’m not in love with two shots before reloading. Do the non two-fer Luck Cannons give 4 shots per reload somehow? If so, I may re-grind what I have and wait for a Dastardly or something. Thanks!

Do you have Hell’s Comin’ with Me? I have a Two-Fer also, and that regularly lowers my shots to two per reload.

Im a bit confused, but I’ll try to explain the question i think your asking.
the luck cannon has a mag of one, add FFOB and thats 4. 1+3=4. any pistol with the double accessory (“two fer” on jakobs pistols) consumes two ammo per shot, two shots and two ammo each is four, thus, the entire mag. if you have hells coming with me and it procs, you will get all the bullets emptied in a single trigger pull.
in terms of regrinding, the two fer prefix has highest DPS, but dastardly (damage accessory) will give you more ammo efficiency, so its your call. id focus more on getting a jakobs grip than a good accessory IMO.

Two Fer prefix shoots two bullets per trigger pull.

Dastardly shoots one bullet per trigger pull.

Each has a 4 magazine size limit with FFOB.

If you have hell’s and it is 5/5 and activated, with the Two Fer you have a 22.5% chance to fire twice that will empty your 4/4 magazine in one trigger pulls upon a hell’s activation.

If you have hell’s and it is 5/5 and activated, with the Dastardly you have a 33.75%% chance to fire twice that will empty your 4/4 magazine in two trigger pulls upon a double hell’s activation.

The Two Fer Luck Cannon is roughly 25% more dps than a Dastardly Luck Cannon in Nisha’s hands with the right build.

Two-fer is ostensibly better DPS.

it’s also better for the “jakobs cramp” since you have to pull the trigger half as often.

Think of it pulling the trigger for you every other time, the cost is slightly lowered damage.

And the award for more than likely too much information to answer a simple posted question goes to! drum roll. Me! :smile:

everyone pulls for the two-fers DPS, but in my opinion the dastardly prefix’s better ammo efficiency makes it better for mobbing, for bosses, your going to want to use a two-fer though. (i have both :wink: )

If you think about it, your talking a very small difference in ammo consumption.

Two Fer is 46,842 dmg per bullet

Dastardly is 51,429 dmg per bullet.

That’s only an 10% difference in damage per bullet. very minimal. better to just use a Two Fer. its 25% more dps and the ammo usage isn’t even really noticable.

I know you’re right with those odds and all…on average, but phrased like that, it could confuse some people reading this who are less familiar with where you got those numbers.

for those reading this who don’t know what i’m talking about:
You ALWAYS have 45% chance to activate Hell’s, it’s just that on the last shot, there is no next shot to fire (so on THAT shot, your odds are 0 ). therefore, the smaller the mag, the more impactful that last shot is on your overall average odds of firing. The bigger your mag, the more your average odds will tend toward 45% but never fully reach it.

But for each individual shot that is not the last in the mag, your chance doesn’t change.

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Ya I have a hard time explaining things sometimes :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks Chuck. Here’s the spreadsheet if anyone cares.

yeah, but using a two-fer, ive actually ran out of ammo, with the dastardly, i never get below 50% ammo. could just be play style. (i shoot at the floor often to keep kill skills alive, so maybe wasting more ammo than you in that regard.)

It doesn’t waste any more ammo than a Dastardly. Two fer isn’t consuming any extra ammo, you just do 10% less damage per bullet over a Dastardly. I don’t think your quite understanding.

might just be me being stupid, i’ll go use the two-fer more and see whats up with it.

actually, it might have a significant impact: don’t forget that he is talking about a mobbing scenario, while the bulk of your testing is against a boss.

every time the mob you are shooting requires an odd number of bullets to kill, you waste one with a two-fer over a dastardly. (which is something that only happens once against a boss, so it’s a factor that can be safely ignored in that scenario)

im just going off of what i saw, i rarely use the double accessory on pistols regardless.

Ya but your still spraying the magazine empty with either gun until all enemies are dead. Its not like your magically accounting for each bullet hitting each enemy until it is dead and then you stop, you just spray and don’t stop til all the red dots are gone :smile:

that’s what i do, and i come out of an area with less bullets when i use two-fer over dastardly.

Of course, but with 900 bullets, you should still not run out using a Two Fer. Killing Eclipse with a Dastardly and With a Two Fer. you can clearly see the ammo difference in my videos.

Dastardly Luck Cannon had 585 Ammo left after killing Eclipse
Two Fer Luck Cannon had 580 Ammo left after killing Eclipse

So where exactly is the ammo loss? :smile:

yeah, but you don,t have control over each bullet’s behavior. If you punch each bullet, there is a clear intent that trick shot and showdown can redirect, not so with a two-fer

When you use a two-fer, even if a single bullet would have killed a mob, you will still shoot 2 in his direction, and both will hit and combine their damage value (at least visually) think of it as a really silly shotgun with 2 pellets. the excess pellets that hit over the enemy’s health will not be useful, they will not go somewhere else.

i just remembered, i think my problem is i rarely go to vendors. i no longer question the ammo efficiency of two-fer.