I've pretty much cut out blue tree

Just like the title says for all my builds I’ve straight up cut out the blue tree excluding blast master and iron bear builds but I never run those anyway.

You may ask well what do you run or how do you even survive. The awnser is very simple, 3 words. BIG BOOM BLASTER. Honestly it’s the hidden gem that Everyone over looks for moze. I run 1 hp or almost 1 hp builds for my minesweeper,green monster, and of course my blood letter. I will be testing blast maister soon though.
Big boom blaster with a 75% health and shield annointment is what your going to absolutely need then a grenade with either ase or the won dmg on throw since you will regenerate grenades quite a bit actually.
The only time I go a little in the blue tree is for mine sweeper for grenade crit skill and auto bear. But for the other 2 legendary com builds i run something along the lines of the pictures in thread.
Some may like it some wont just my personal suggestion you can get so much shield and regen it fast along with grenades and if you wanna use a rocket launcher you regeb that ammo pretty well also. This helps me keep up with someone like Zain in alot of ways. When I use more of a splash weapon then I get FITSD. Anyway feel free to test it if you enjoy this idea I know I love it. Still hope moze gets some much needed buffs though lol
Oh I also have a YouTube for moze stuff and soon fl4k stuff its DELUXEmenu


Yeah. I run a build that goes up to autobear+1 point in vampyr, desperate measures, and some for the road. It allows me to swap through a blood letter, mindsweeper, green monster, or sapper. I know it still has about 16 points in the blue tree but I love autobear just so much!

But yeah on topic: BBB is absolutely the best shield for moze if you’re trying to do non-TD mobbing. If you can get the +health/shield on IB exit anoint, it becomes really good.

Careful that there’s a glitch with it when the area is full of too many items, the shield may stop spawning items.

Hmm never experienced that glitch good to know ty

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It’s still my main shield. I use band of sit too and sometimes a front loader, but I always end up back there.

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I pretty much stick to Transformer/Stop-Gap myself. Being immune to shock is awesome


It is but since we can already get solid shock resistance and just flat out regen shield with big boom blaster it helps us when not just taking shock. Old gods help and are amazing as well

BBB isn’t really a hidden gem. It’s been top gear for Moze since September.


It is a hidden gem since not enough people use it I def thing its 100% better than the transformer but pretty equal to old god now tbh but BBB can really allow you to ignore blue tree and not enough ppl do that

I’ve cut out the red tree (except Security Bear) from my Moze and enjoy her a lot. It pleases me that someone else can cut out one of the other two trees and enjoy their Moze as well.


My Torgue rep is all up in the blue tree because splash, but my Vladof rep only recently started exploring the blue tree to get Auto Bear to take advantage of those COMs with the, “while Auto Bear is active” buffs (and she’s not opposed to rockin’ Iron Bear). A further point expansion will have her putting points in Vampyr for sure.

Is it? When I was new to the game and agog at the concept of the Bloodletter/Deathless/Shield of Retribution builds, it was the Moze community who showed me this shield’s effectiveness. Maybe they’ve moved on to the new meta du jour, but I think it’s still a staple.


U know what’s sad and I hope is what gearbox changes soon when they said they are looking to buff moze. Besides her splash damage annointment she really only has 1 skill that actually boost splash damage. The grenade regen in MOD is too tiny for it to be good for people not using atleast maddening tracker. And the final skill isnt some big splash booster its just a flat good dps booster. Looking at blue tree compared to green and red it lacks so much. That’s why I cut out blue entirely

You should really check out the testing that’s been done here. You’re missing out on huge amounts of damage without short fuse. It, (like most skills) doesn’t work the way it says on the card.


Yeah… BBB and Double Downer are my go to shields. The latter for 1hp builds, the former for most everything else. I’ll dabble in Re-Charger and Transformer on occasion though.

I think Moze’s real hidden gem is Redsuit. MoD can proc off of radiation explosions (more grenades, some ammo), lots of her good gear comes in rad, it has a fairly lot capacity, low delay, and fairly high recharge… Ergo it’s great for Topped Off and getting back into IB quickly.

Back before there was Takedown or Mayhem 4, a Redsuit/Blast Master/Elemental Projector/Devil’s Foursum was my first build to beat Slaughter Shaft solo. Still very fond of that build, though I have far surpassed it

I’ve been considering a Red Suit/Mind Sweeper pistol build recently, but just haven’t gotten around to it. Might have to farm for a radiation Craps now. Hmm.

You really need to check out the damage formulas. Stacking splash damage has diminishing returns, you really want a variety of damage types too get the most out of Moze. Weapon damage+ specific gun damage (say, pistol, or assault rifle)+ splash is going to do a lot more for you than splash+splash+splash.

I know about short fuse and stainless steel bear it’s not as much actually as much as what I’m doing from the testing I’ve done

What I’m saying is moze literally only has 1 splash damage booster and that’s the annointment for a splash damage tree it has a suprising lack of splash when her splash comes from a annointment more than anything

Also your formula is weird you are listing things u can only get from a com anand relic lol which has nothing to do with skills and such

And Blast Master. And Green Monster. And bonii on relic and com.

She really doesn’t need more splash damage bonus.

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Right… But that a part of the game. You can’t just look at the skill tree and ignore all other sources of damage, because it’s not coming from her tree. If that were the case, I could just as easily say “why aren’t I getting a bonus to radiation damage, I have to get a relic for that. It should be built into her skills.”


Torgue cross promotion should be a chance to double your splash damage not radius this would be a great skill since it’s not even really boosting splash specifically but your damage. So yea there can be splash damage boosting but not in the way you are thinking of

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