To be honest,if you hasnt told me I wouldn’t have even noticed.
Why so tiny? Experimental Munitions goes from 10% bonus incendiary to 15%… honestly what minuscule difference does that make against even flesh enemies at M4?
Security Bear goes goes from 50% of mozes health to 60%… again at M4 that’s like an extra .5 seconds of upkeep under fire . Completely worthless
The other skills I dont use so no idea , but shield recharge delay bonuses are dumb anyways because almost nothing X almost nothing is still almost nothing.
So what gives ? Why do zain and Amara get these massive buffs but moze gets doled out these worthless symbolic “buffs”?
Here is my long held theory: the devs dont play M4 and balance the game based on normal or TVHM. If you want more proof of that looks at Fl4ks new class mod… when the hell was the last time his pets killed anything on M4?
Another one is the mission where you have to run over bandits to kill them so you can record their bone crunches… have the devs even TRIED thier vehicles in M4 ? They are so hilariously underpowered and weak and dont scale in the slightest it’s almost comical. Youd have to run over an enemy upwards of 100 times to kill them , never mind him killing you in 6 shots. Again … tested for normal mode , not M4
I just wish I’d get five minutes alone with the devs to ask them these simple questions ,I really would