About Todays Moze buffs

To be honest,if you hasnt told me I wouldn’t have even noticed.

Why so tiny? Experimental Munitions goes from 10% bonus incendiary to 15%… honestly what minuscule difference does that make against even flesh enemies at M4?

Security Bear goes goes from 50% of mozes health to 60%… again at M4 that’s like an extra .5 seconds of upkeep under fire . Completely worthless

The other skills I dont use so no idea , but shield recharge delay bonuses are dumb anyways because almost nothing X almost nothing is still almost nothing.

So what gives ? Why do zain and Amara get these massive buffs but moze gets doled out these worthless symbolic “buffs”?

Here is my long held theory: the devs dont play M4 and balance the game based on normal or TVHM. If you want more proof of that looks at Fl4ks new class mod… when the hell was the last time his pets killed anything on M4?

Another one is the mission where you have to run over bandits to kill them so you can record their bone crunches… have the devs even TRIED thier vehicles in M4 ? They are so hilariously underpowered and weak and dont scale in the slightest it’s almost comical. Youd have to run over an enemy upwards of 100 times to kill them , never mind him killing you in 6 shots. Again … tested for normal mode , not M4

I just wish I’d get five minutes alone with the devs to ask them these simple questions ,I really would

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Is that what’s happening? I thought that mission was bugged!

Hey, atleast it’s not nerfs.

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I don’t totally agree with you on the EM buff, that’s a 50% buff, it will make a big difference. Especially being elemental, remember that’s also boosted by StE.

Security Bear meh, I’d like more and a tweak to the skill but maybe it will help it last just a little bit longer when you exit IB.

10% Fuel increase will be good, it will indirectly make SSB and DL better.

BtIC I agree. Skill needs a lot more to be fixed.

For the first time in months I kind of get the impression some nice changes might be coming soon.

That mission where you run over COV in the DLC, I was just talking about that. It’s one of the most frustrating missions in the game. You have to shoot their health down low and run them over.

Simple. But, they have cryo guns and it makes it awful. Never doing that mission again.


The vehicle mission, I had to switch to the Technical with the Meat Grinder, Barbed wheels, and jet booster. Get up some speed and you’ll hit them for 300k+ on M4.


the experimental munitions buff is a big one. that single point is a multiplicative damage effect because its based on damage dealt, not gun/weapon damage. for a single point that’s a ton of damage, and like @twoPIZZA said, it scales with StE, but also with SRPMs.


I had no issue with this mission on MH4. I used the technical with front spikes and hover wheels. I just floated into them and hit fir 100k+ each time. But i can see how this is a issue if using the cyclone or something

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Mine just did not work no matter what I did. Not sure if it’s messed up. It took me a solid 25 minutes. And the cryo guns they had were instantly freezing my technical. Maybe there was a stupid modifier interference. I had restarted it 2 times though so I don’t know.

They never blew up my car though.

Oh ouch that sounds horrible. I were fortunate enough to not get enemeis with cryo weapons, or if they did they never got a chance to use them. I floated around in circles bumping them and sent them flying :joy:. Was hilarious.

The one vehicle mission i did have some trouble with were chasing after the fireworks thief. Man, i did not have the right weapons for that one at all and i were constantly frozen by things. Not fun!

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Yeah when I hit the enemies at full speed it was like hitting a tree haha. It’s over now though. I can relax.

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If I am not mistaken, Zane got a similar treatment. There were small adjustments in hotfixes and bigger updates in patch.

I wouldn’t be frustrated with the first set of hotfixes. I suspect the EM buff is small because of other damage improvements that might be coming in other trees (that is my hope anyway). SoR has enough gun damage.


The Experimental Munitions buff is considerably bigger than it looks on paper. Remember that Moze’s bonus incendiary damage will never actually be doing the actual amount her skill description implies.

+15% incendiary is actually going to be either +7.5% damage or +26.25% in TVHM M4 content. It’s a pretty massive jump from what it used to be at only 5% and 17.5%. This isn’t even factoring in the 30% bonus Moze can give her incendiary damage. For a one point skill at tier 3, that’s a pretty good boost.


i dont feel like i need a damage buff
i just want useless skills like force feedback or carry grenades to be reworked :frowning:


Hmmm maybe I’m underestimating Exp munitions…

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While i can agree that some these buffs may seem underwhelming, what these changes mean to me isn’t the numbers - it’s the renewed hope that we’ll might actually see some positive changes coming that will fix a lot of the issues we’ve been expressing.

I think the changes made to IB in the past have been pretty great and adressed some issues it had. I did not prefer IB’s sustain to be pigeon held with vampyr but it’s atleast something and it have had a more positive effect than none at all.

Anyway, my point is that i’m hopeful again that we’ll see some improvements coming and it’s a sign that they’re atleast willing. I just need to set my expectations right this time :stuck_out_tongue:


maybe with mayhem 2.0, there will come some greater changes to skills


For me the biggest takeaway here is the IB cooldown improvement. I was able to allocate points out of Grizzled and EP.

The improvements in Security Bear is kinda hard to say if it did have any effect. I would prefer if GB just takes out the 5 sec delay so I can take advantage of the shield faster when doing multiple INs and OUTs.

However I played around with piloting IB with my current build and the fuel improvements are noticeable. My build isn’t designed for piloting IB though.

Definitely. Remember it’s 15% on a crit multiplier and [+ (15 x 0.3)] percent for StE. And crits are already a multiplier. Big damage.

Also applies to PtHP crits because it doesn’t have a gun requirement.

It’s easy to miss just how much extra this adds because of all the numbers. This ‘little’ boost has a global effect so all your multipliers get affected when you hit a crit.


The maths makes it bigger. Let’s say you’ve specced fully into Stoke the Embers and Scorching RPMs. Then you’re looking at,

15% x 1.3 x 1. 2 = 23.4%

But then if you have a build focused on splash damage, you might be adding Fire in the Skag Den,

23.4% x 1.15 = 26.91%

That’s not to mention the effects of Short Fuse, Redistribution, consecutive hits, the Pearl of Ineffable Knowledge, how easy Pull the Holy Pin makes getting critical hits and how powerful critical hits are in and of themselves. Make no mistake, this is a significant boost.

While you have the right idea, I’ll clear this up as best I can a bit (I’m not exactly the one to explain this best).

Using formulas from Moze’s Gun Damage Guide.

This isn’t quite right.

Scotching RPM’s is a crit bonus (additive to critical hits), and EM is a multiplier of 0.15 to critical damage. So if your gun does 100 damage, the crit multiplier is 2. So 200 damage on crit. With SRPM at 5/5 you get 20% more critical hit damage. That would be [100 x (2 + 0.2] = 220 damage.

EM is 0.15 x critical damage or in the example above [220 x 0.15] = 33 EM damage.

So to calculate your crit damage if your gun damage is 100 and you include SRPM, EM, and StE with a non-fire weapon against a neutral health bar:

Critical Damage = [100 x (2 + 0.2)]
Critical Damage = 220

Crit multiplier is 2

EM = [220 x (0.15 + (0.15 x 0.3)
EM = 42.9

StE multiplier is 0.3, EM is 0.15

Damage = Critical Damage + EM
Damage = 262.9

If we used your 23.4% you only get 246.8 with a gun damage of 100.

While that is higher output than your formula, your Fire in the Skag Den formula is off. I don’t believe Fire in the Skag Den receives crit bonuses. Fire in the Skag Den is just 15% of your base gun damage done as fire if your weapon is splash (at 5/5).

StE will boost FitSD by 30%, but it’s still not a multiplier to critical hits. Short Fuse will proc FitSD again though, as will grenades. PtHP will not give you the grenade critical damage multiplier to FitSD, you only get 15% of the base grenade damage.

Redistribution of course adds no damage but you mention just the effects of other skills, so yes you will still regen ammo when you hit a crit while also applying EM damage.

Consecutive Hits and a portion of the Pearl will raise weapon damage which will all be multiplied by the crit bonus, which in turn will make EM have a higher base damage to work from. The other portion of the Pearl will as well, but it isn’t weapon damage it’s a different multiplier that I am not aware of yet. Either way, I believe that multiplier will still raise EM’s output.

There are several other factors that can further increase EM’s damage, and that’s the moral of the story; It is a fantastic multiplier that is a multiplicative increase to a lot of different damage outputs.

Phew, I think I got all of that right. If not the principal is damn close and I’d gladly welcome someone correct it for us.